Here are our newest additions...Angel and Tiger!
As you know, Aubrie's cat ran away! Aubrie called Ben up a few weeks ago and said, "Dad, I just want a kitten for my birthday." I really wanted a new kitten for her, that way it could bond to her from the start. I didn't really know how that could happen, because by the time they get to Petsmart they are pretty old. I said a little prayer that we could stumble upon baby kittens somehow. Well sometimes when you pray for something, the Lord "doubles" your blessings!
This past Thursday afternoon, I had just put Sophia down for her nap and noticed that Ben was in our room (home early from work). I could only see half his body behind the door and I asked him what he was doing home so early. He said, "Please don't be made at me". I figured he had bought something big and expensive, so I asked him what he bought. He came out from behind the door with two little kittens. They were all dirty and didn't look very healthy, but they were very cute! He said that he found them with a bunch of other little kittens, under an air conditioner unit at an apartment complex. They couldn't be more than a month old. We washed them up really good and Ben ran to Petsmart to get them food, a bed and a scratching post. They seemed to do much better once they got washed up and got some food.
When I picked Aubrie up from school I told her she left some clothes on the couch and when she went to get them (there were no clothes) there were the two kittens. She was so excited! All the kids love playing with them, including Ben and I! It's amazing how much better they are doing! Give them some shelter, food and attention and it's like you have completely different kittens. Now they are running all around and are so playful! Fun! Fun!
Well, what else has been going on?? Well, Friday we had dinner with some friends from the old Ward and then Ben and I did our normal Walmart stop! I'm ready for the new one to open!!!
Saturday was a nice relaxed day! We just hung around the house. The morning was a little over cast, so we hit the hot tub and by late afternoon things had warmed up, so the kids hit the pool. My Mom and I bought some nice flowers for the courtyard. It's becoming my little garden haven! It's nice that she is here to keep up on the watering! I like sitting out there when it's cooler and enjoying the waterfall and the flowers! One reason I'm dreading the heat! Saturday night Ben went to his "fight night" with his friends, while I prepared my church lesson. It was on cultivating extended family relationships!
Sunday went well. We didn't have to take Sophia out of Sacrament meeting, and the kids were well behaved. The sacrament song was my favorite, "I Stand All Amazed"! Aubrie and Boston know it well, because I sing it to them all of the time. As soon as they heard the intro, they scooted up to me and they sang the whole thing, really loud! It was so awesome to hear their little voices sing such a powerful song! My friend, who was sitting in front of us, said it was like there were angles singing behind her. (Maybe a little out of tune, though!) Ben took Sophia home during Sunday School, so I was able to listen to the whole lesson. It was on the Parable of the Olive Tree. I had read the lesson already, but learned some things I never knew before. My lesson went really well. I used a lot of scriptures in the lesson, as suggested by the leaders, and the spirit was so strong. A lot of us were crying and there were several who were holding back tears. The lesson really made me think about my Mom's side of the family and how I need to get in better touch with them, like the old days! I always seem to get so much out of the lessons I teach!
Yesterday was "just another manic Monday"....wish it were Sunday! LOL I took Aubrie to dance this time, while Ben stayed home and made dinner and prepared the FHE lesson. I got to see Aubrie's ballet dance, which is coming along nicely! I also snuck in a trip to the mall and some grocery shopping in between!
Tuesday my Mom had off of work. When Ethan finished his chores he said, "Can I go downstairs and see Grandma before she goes to work". I told him she wasn't going to work and he said, "Yahoo! Now we can do some puzzles"! My Mom watched the kids while I went Visiting Teaching and also while I had lunch and did some mall shopping with Kayleen. We haven't done anything in awhile, just us two. It was nice to catch up on life and just hang out! When I got home from that, I hit a wall. I woke up the night before, a little before 3:00 am and didn't fall asleep until after 5:00. I put the baby down and took a quick nap, while my Mom took Ethan out for a root beer float and to the car wash! It's a new one where you can sit in the car, and at the end you vacuum the car yourself. Ethan was in Heaven, vacuuming my Mom 's car! I was still exhausted when Ben got home, so he took the the kids out for dinner, while me and the baby slept! It felt great! He can really be a gem when he wants to!
He took the kids to one of Aubrie's classmates, parent's restaurant. (Whew! Did tha make any sense?) There were a few Sun's cheerleaders there, and an ex- Sun's player. Aubrie and Boston got their picture taken with the cheerleaders and Ethan was too shy! Way to go Ethan! LOL The boys kept commenting on how tall the ex-player was and how he was like Goliath!
They also came home with some signed posters from the cheerleaders. Boston tried to put the picture up on his wall, but I wasn't having any of that! They were half naked!