Sunday, November 16, 2008


Look who's SEVEN!!!! I can hardly believe it. When we moved to Arizona Boston was only 18 months old. He wasn't even talking yet! I remember taking him to Disneyland and trying to wrestle him while we waited in line. Now he is riding the big roller coaster, reading like crazy and likes Pokemon and Indiana Jones. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing boy. He is very focused and loves doing what's right (most of the time:). The first time they put Boston in my arms I had a feeling that he was going to be a special boy and so far has lived up to that. It's been an amazing 7 years.
His birthday was this Thursday. Wednesday, when he came home from school, he said, "Mom do you want me to help decorate this place?" I asked him for what, and he said, "For when I wake up tomorrow, you know it's my birthday!" So Wednesday, after mutual, I ran to Party City to get some decor to surprise him the next morning. I put up streamers, balloons and hung pirate decor on the kitchen light! Before he went to school, my Mom gave him a card with a 20 dollar bill in it. When he opened it he said, "TWENTY DOLLARS!" and pretended to faint on the floor. After his lunch period, Ben and I showed up to his class with cupcakes and we joined his class in singing "Happy Birthday". He was hamming it up big time! Big surprise (not)!
His "Birthday Dance"!

For his birthday dinner, we made is 3rd favorite dinner, pancake and eggs!( He was having pizza for his party and he had Mac and Cheese the night before) He reminded me of the "special plate", since I always forget about that thing. That night, after baseball practice, we gave him his gift. We'll we didn't give it to him. We hid it and played hot and cold. He liked that. His gift was the Batman Legos video game. Ethan was excited for that present, too! Boston and Ethan woke up EARLY the next morning, dressed and beds made, so they could play it! Friday afternoon was his party. It was his 3rd Pirate Party in a row. It's a lot of fun to use that theme because we can do a pretty cool treasure hunt in our yard. I make several maps (this time 10) and they follow one to the next until it leads them to the treasure! This time I took a cardboard box and spray painted it gold, to make it look like a treasure chest. The boys thought that was cool. I also had a bean bag toss, which was a hit, and a pirate version of pin the tail on the donkey. The boys also enjoyed playing tether ball and kickball in the yard. Boston got a lot of great gifts, and had a GREAT time! Boston said, when it was all over, "That was an awesome party, THANKS MOM!" That was one reasons why I was so willing to quickly throw him one. He is always so appreciative. I'm glad that I ended up giving him a party that he deserves. I can't believe that next year he will be 8! That means I will have two kids, "under the water"! (baptized for those who aren't getting it) That is almost unreal! I keep asking my kids to stop growing and they just won't listen to me!! UGH!