Monday, May 7, 2012

Soccer Tournaments

This season's round of Soccer Tournaments ended up to be like NOTHING we expected.
Ethan's futsal team had two losses to the girls Black 2003 excel team.  So they ended up playing each other in the finals.  The game was so INTENSE.  One goal for their team, then one for ours, etc, throughout the whole game.  Ethan made a goal at the last minute to tie up the game, which meant it went to a shoot out.   Ethan's team got 3 goals out of the 5, and the girls only got 1.   They ended up as Champions.  Those girls were so good.  It was an amazing victory.
  Aubrie only had one loss at the last game, to her school team (BASIS) who had the awesome girl from the team that beat them the season before.   Her team geared up to beat them in the finals, thinking that is how the tournament would end up.   They ended up losing the game before the finals.   They lost in a shoot out.  The first each had 5 shots, and neither of the teams scored.  Aubrie was SO CLOSE, and had the best shot of both teams combined.  Then it went to sudden death.   The other team shot before the whistle and scored.  Our team didn't realize they went before the whistle had blown, and they were so upset thinking they had lost.  After getting every one's attention the ref explained they had to do it again.  The goalie was so unsettled that she didn't stand a chance against the same kicker.  They got the shot and Aubire's team lost.    Ironically Basis lost too, so the number one and 2 team ended up contenders for 3rd.  The Cheetah Bears were soooo sad.  The team that won it all last season ended up winning, and they KILLED them when they played that team.  Funny how anything is possible in the tournament.
          Boston's team went into the tournament undefeated.   Boston's team was matched up with a good team in the finals.     They both played a good game, but the other team was always ahead.  I had to leave early, and Ben called to tell me they were having a shoot out.  Seriously?   They made up two goals, and another shoot out?!!!  This one didn't go well either.  Boston got the only goal, and the other team got two.  Their loss was a little easier for Boston, since the kids on the opposing team were on his indoor team that started that night.   I was a little sad though, that there was great opportunity this season for all the kids to come out champions.  Probably good they didn't though, because it would have just gone to their heads!:)
Sophia's league didn't have champions, just a final game.   They got killed, but had a fun time.  Sophia got two awesome goals.  One she dribbled down the side, and kicked it across with her left into the goal.  They had a party at Streets of New York afterward, where she got the award for most aggressive.   She had a fun time playing, and the parents got a kick out of her little aggressive, pumped up attitude!
   Though it is a bit crazy at times having all the kids in soccer, I really do enjoy watching them play. It is worth every Saturday we have to give up , and all the heat we had to endure.