Tuesday, July 24, 2007

secret servers

Last night we started our "Family" night with one of our favorite dinners, "Little Cheddar Meat Loafs" Our lesson was on helping your family (mainly your brother and sisters). The kids have had a hard time w/ fighting so I thought this should help turn things around. The end of the lesson I passed out paper bags that had little slips of paper that say "You have been secretly served". Each bag had a different color of slips, and no one is to know your color. For the next week we are to secretly serve one another and try to guess who they are. Next family night we will reveal our colors. Aubrie has really been into it. We were each given 8 slips, and she has already used up 5. I might have to make her some more. Here are some examples of what has been done so far. Boston was excited this morning to find that someone had made his bed, and Aubrie was delighted to see that someone had secretly organized her shirt drawer!

During the lesson it started to rain. After the lightening stopped we got our swim suits and swam in the rain. It was nice, especially when we were sitting in the hot tub. After swimming we had our traditional FHE treat...ICE CREAM!:) We then watched a movie till about 10:30....we are going to have a hard time getting them to bed early when school starts!