Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Picture's Anyone?

Hope you like pictures, because there was a lot to catch up on!  Can you tell who dominates my camera these days?  

Here is Aubrie enjoying her last few minutes with her dance teams trophy, that she got to take home for the weekend!
Above is Aubrie's fellow dancers right before their Sun's game performance.  
Below....Boston cheering his sister on!
The train ride at the awesome park I discovered!

Ethan holding on to dear life.   He can ride Space Mountain, no problem...but a little train ride...WATCH OUT!
Feeding the Ducks!

.....and herself!!
A closer look!

Pure excitement!

Our first Easter Egg's with the kids!
Aubrie and Maya at the Hannah Montana Movie!
Getting ready for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Notice my kids and their heads!

Hate the shadow there....but lOVE the expression!
Trying to roll down the hill!
Michelle and I! 
Aubrie's Field DAy with her friends!

Flowers Sophia picked for me!
Boston's field day!

The "Shoe Kick"!  So funny!
Water Games!

Sophia's birthday!
Blurry, but love it anyway!