Saturday, September 7, 2013

Aubrie's Beehive Party

Girls  playing 1-100 Dice

Aubrie was called as Beehive President a few weeks ago.  One of her responsibilities is to unify the girls.   Since Ben and the boys were going out of town this weekend, we thought it would be a great opportunity to throw a Back to School swim party for all the Beehives.  The girls are spread out over several school, so this would be a great opportunity to have fun and get closer.  Aubrie made and handed out the invites before our Labor Day trip, and getting ready only involved buying treats and picking up pizza.  Of course, it started storming just as the party began.  So they started off playing some Kinect, eating Pizza, and then playing a few other games, until the storm settled and they could go outside.  They spent a few hours out in the pool, and ended the night watching some Studio C.   Sophia was in the thick of things, wanting to be involved with every activity.  The older girls were great with her, but eventually I pulled her inside and played some games with her, to give Aubrie her own time with her friends.  Not that she complained about it at all.  She is always good about including Sophia.  It was great for the girls to get to spend time together, and it was great for me to see how these girls interacted with each other.  They were all super friendly and inclusive.  I’m glad Aubrie has this opportunity and responsibility!  Her having a feeling of responsibility over these girls will be good for her.