Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day with the Cousins

Yesterday I watched Shea and Carson. I knew I had to wake up early to get my work out in, so I was up, exercised, showered and ready by 8:00. I realized how much I could probably get done in a day if I always started my mornings like that....to bad I'm not a morning person! By the time they got here Ethan was already at school and Sophia was napping. Shea was anxious for the kids to get out of school. Every 20 minutes or so she would ask when we had to go get Ethan. She was running to the car when I said it was time to get him. Ethan played well with both of them. Carson enjoyed riding around in Ethan's car and Ethan had fun on the teeter totter with Shea. They spent a lot of time outside and occasionally would come in to start a movie, only watching about 10 minutes. The day went fast! Before I knew it, it was time to pick up Aubrie and Boston from school. That was kind of interesting having all 6 kids in the car. A total of 5 car seats!! It all worked out but made me think of how those Mom's do it that have a like 6 kids under 8!!! There would be no more running to the car a few minutes before you had to be somewhere. You would have to set aside 5 minutes of buckling time! LOL

Matt came and picked the kids up before Aubrie had dance.

Ben actually made it home to take her, which left me at home with some spare time to relax. Sophia didn't fall asleep for her 3rd nap until 5:00 (its usually 4). (She slept until 9:0o and went back to bed at 9:30. Sunday night she went down at 4:45 and woke up at 5 the next morning, just for a bottle.) We did our family night on the Exodus and how God answers prayers and how you have to have faith He will deliver you from your trials. Our closing song was "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam", and I asked the kids what that song meant. After explaining what being a Sunbeam meant, Boston got up and told us about his day at school and how he was a Sunbeam. A girl in his class was making fun of another girls coloring. She told the girl she wasn't doing it right. The girl started to cry. Boston said he said, "Do you know what I like about you, you are a good drawer. I also like the way you color. Do you know what, too, you have a nice room and a nice house....even though I haven't seen them yet!" (random, huh?). Anyway, he said the girl stopped crying. Where was the teacher on that one, b/c he didn't come home with a Yee Haw (recognition certificates they hand out on a daily basis)? Instead he came home with a red for accidentally writing on his desk and getting out of his seat! I told him to put a quarter in the jar anyway!