Saturday, November 3, 2007

the weekend update

Just FYI, the working out isn't going so well. Of course, I could be doing something right now... but I don't like working out late. What to do?? I bought this swimsuit on sale at Kohls and it looks awful on me....the bottoms anyway. Why would I do this??? I figured the only time I'll be putting it on is to use our hot tub and every time I put it on it will "encourage" me to lose the weight! We'll see how well it works! Ha!!! Ben and I did go on a walk around the neighborhood on Thursday. It felt good, but I need to work out a little harder.
Friday was a normal day. Sophia slept a lot, but of course I wasn't really planning on it so I didn't' get any huge projects done. I cleaned up all the Halloween stuff and cleaned the house up a bit. Friday afternoon Erin came over and took our family pictures. I always dread family pictures. I feel like it's a circus show. First I have to get 4 kids and myself dressed and keep them wrinkle and dirt free and hair looking decent. Then actually taking their pictures is like trying to ring a bunch of animals into the circle to perform some miraculous all smile and pose perfect all at the SAME time! By the time I'm done with every photo shoot, I'm sweating and swear I lose a few pounds. Aubrie and Boston do well, except for the fact they think they know where they should pose. Ethan was the main struggle, always wanting to stick out his tongue or do a funny face. Sophia was a little fussy, too, so I felt bad for Erin, trying to work with it all. I got a quick preview of a few of the pictures, and they turned out well! Now we have that out of the way, I have to make the cards.. ugh! I did enjoy making Sophia's announcement, once I got the hang of it. I'm thinking I'll have to reteach myself, it's been so long!
After pictures, Ben and I went to Ah So (one of those Japanese Steakhouse's). I always enjoy those places, put never enjoy the bill....Ouch! Those cooks better be paid well! After dinner, Ben and I went to Best Buy to look at camera's:) I gave him some hints for Christmas, we'll see what comes of it! We then went to Sams so he could look at a DVD/VCR converter. He wants to convert our family tapes over to DVD's. I am actually looking forward to that b/c I think we will watch them more. While we were there we noticed that Guitar Hero 3 was out. That somehow ended up in the cart, not like we needed it! I hardly have time to play the other two! When we got home the kids were still up watching a movie. After it was over, I put Aubrie to bed and fell asleep scratching her back. I woke up around 4:00 and was wide awake. So much for feeling rested this morning.
Today Boston had a 9:00am game and then we headed to the Pediatrician for Flu Shots. I never get the kids flu shots, but Ethan's preschool teacher is requiring it, Ugh. So I figured I would give it too all of them. I knew not to tell them about it, b/c Boston HATES shots. He is so sensitive to shots, he stared crying when he saw them give Sophia her first round of immunizations. They just thought Aubrie had an appointment for some problem she has been having. While we were in the waiting room Boston said to Aubrie, "I hope they don't have to give you a shot"! I was feeling a little bad knowing that he had no idea, but knew it was in his best interest to not let him dwell on it. On the way to room Ben told the kids they were getting shots, which I didn't want to happen, and Boston turned into this wild animal. He started having a panic attack and was literally trying to run out of the Doctors Office. We had to hold him down while he was kicking and screaming, and it took two nurse's and Ben to hold him down long enough to give him the shot. That got Ethan and Aubrie all worked up to the point of crying and screaming. I so wish I had a camcorder to record all of it, b/c it would have won the 100 thousand grand prize from America's Funniest Home Videos. I just felt bad for all the kids in the waiting room. I'm sure it scared them to death! After it was all over, Boston admitted it didn't really hurt too much. I told him he better remember that for next time!
After shots, we went to Home Depot to get some lighting and Aubrie said, "Dad it's November 3rd, can we do the kids project!" How she remembered that, I have no idea? They were cool pirate ships. They did that , while Ben went in and got what he needed. We then got some lunch at Wendy's and I dropped them off at home, while I ran to the Youth Conference. Unfortunately, I didn't know it was Sunday dress, so I got there and had to come back home. They really didn't need me b/c they were just wrapping up with testimony meeting.
Tonight we took the kids to see The Bee Movie. It was cute, but Sophia had a hard time towards the end. She was really tired, and she needs "the crib"! When we got home I surprised Aubrie and switched her bedroom furniture around while they were watching TV. I was just laying on her bed and was looking for a space to put a book shelf, and that is where I ended up. She thought it was cool, and I thought it was cool that I was able to muscle it up enough to move her double bed (with a huge pillow top mattress)! Whew, I'm ready for bed! That's a wrap!