Thursday, September 19, 2013

More than a Place to Rest!

So after a year long of sleeping on a broken bed, and Boston complaining his back hurt, I decided that after many years, it was time to buy the boys new beds.  I had my eyes on these several years ago.  This weekend Ben and I took the boys beds down and just put the mattresses on the floor.  We told the boys nothing, except that Boston couldn’t sleep on the broken bed, and we wanted a uniform look.  The beds came today, and I spent my whole day organizing the drawers, and shelves...a total rehaul.  When the boys came home from school they had a big surprise.  I LOVE them.  The drawers, and bookshelf over the bed add so much storage, and give them a place to put their stuff...books, ipods, etc. Ben was happy that part of my reorganization included a BYU section in the room.  Boston was happy to see his favorite flag finally hung!  (He is still wishing to live there!)   Hope they hold up!:)