Ok....Erin tagged me with this "25 things random things about you" ! What she doesn't know is that I already did this on Facebook.....so Erin...you need to join Facebook already!:) But here you go Erin, and for anyone else who hasn't joined the world of Facebook! Have fun reading about me!
1. Surprised I'm doing this because I'm not good at this type of thing! Ben could probably do a better job at thinking of 25 things about myself. However, I hate to disappoint, so here I am!
Wait does that count for two things about me? LOL
2. Always said I would have to know someone at least a year before I married them. I met my husband, and was engaged in 3 weeks, and married in 5 months. We will be married for 13 years in April! Marriage is definitely a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, but I couldn't imagine taking the ride with anyone else, and glad that we are there to hold each others hand throughout the ride! He is an amazing Father, priesthood leader, and friend! He loves me despite my insecurities, idiosyncrasies, and weaknesses!
3. I was married on my birthday and had my first child on my birthday. Obviously the wedding was planned, but I went into labor as the clock struck 12:00 on April 26th! BTW that was my due date!
4. I gave up my dream of being a Doctor, for a better one....being a stay at home Mom of 4 children (sometimes 5 when my husband is behaving like one). Two amazing boys and two beautiful girls! Most times I LOVE my job and other times I want feel like taking a sabbatical! There is definitely no greater accomplishment than that of a parent!
5. I HATE clutter! I wish I could relax a little more when it comes to it, but things just sitting around drive me crazy, and I'm sure I drive my kids Crazy, constantly nagging them to pick up their stuff! I love using containers to organize stuff! If I can use a container to organize it, I'm all over it! If I can't find a good place for something, I usually throw it away or give it away! I'm not a fan of nick knacks!
6. I actually have accomplished something I never thought possible. Not a big deal for any other person, but for me it's huge! I HATED running! People would ask me to run with them, and I would just laugh! I had the worst running asthma and my knees would hurt. I would run a mile and would wimp out! Now I'm up to 4 miles and my goal is a half marathon!
7. When I tell someone I'm going to do something, they can count on me doing it! (Therefore I guess I'll be running that half marathon! L0L) Actually, I meant more along the lines of when I tell them I'll do something for them, I"ll follow through. That also means being there when a friend needs you, even if they don't ask for it!
8. I tend to stress out a little over a busy schedule, but feel a little weird when I don't have anything going on! It's hard for me to just sit there and not stay busy, unless I am sleeping! The other night I had to force myself to just sit and watch a movie with my daughter, though I so badly wanted to get on my computer, sweep my kitchen floor, fold some laundry and look through a magazine!
9. Sometimes I submerse myself in hobbies so much, I get burnt out on things easily! I used to love scrap booking and spent hours and hours doing that. Then it was photography, then cake decorating, then jewelry making! Now it's blogging and facebooking! (blogging is actually fading)
10. I love staying in touch with people! I don't expect to talk or email often, just a few times a year will do me! I like people knowing that I think about them and that they are important to me, and vice versa! I like the quote "friends are the family you choose". So many of our friends are like family. My best friends aren't always the ones I talk to the most, but the ones that I know will be there for me in a second if I ever needed anything and would never judge me!
11. On that note I love spoiling people! I LOVE birthdays...and thinking of birthday and Christmas gifts! If I see something that is perfect for someone I'll buy it and save it for a holiday, and sometimes I can't wait and will give it to them anyway!
12. I am a "textaholic"! I wish that invention came out earlier! I love being able to communicate in a way that doesn't leave you with that awkward, "well....ok....guess I'll talk to you later!" Sometimes phone conversations are great! But for the most part, a quick text can let someone know you are thinking about them, or allows you to get some quick information without making someone feel like they need to talk to you for 15 minutes! It's also at your convenience, which is great when you having a screaming child on your leg!
13. I love my religion! (I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) It is such a great support in my life! It gives me and my family a sense of direction and purpose. The things I believe in have influenced some important decisions in my life, and have kept me out of trouble several times over! It also has been a great strength through the hard times! I love the teachings and strong value system it provides for my children , especially with all that is thrown at them at such a young age! I love that my family is an eternal! The thought of ever believing of no life after death is depressing and hopeless! Especially for those who have lost a loved one! I'm so glad to know we will can be together forever!
14. I'm can be a little nerdy at times! I liked collecting the State quarters, and would get excited when I found a new one! I like Star Wars and wish I could pick Lucas's brain with some unanswered questions! I also like watching medical shows and shows on the Disney channel!
15. I am a HUGE 80's fan! I love the Brat Pack Movie (ie. Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club), Karate Kid, Back to the Future, etc. I also LOVE 80's music! My kids know more 80's songs than they should! Unbelievably, I have started liking the 80's clothes again! Not on me, but on my daughter!
16. I love to travel! I get very antsy if we haven't gone somewhere in over a couple of months! (I think it may have to do with my Dad getting transferred a lot as a young child!) It doesn't matter where we go! As long as it requires us packing a suitcase! I just like to explore new places, and also return to places that I love! Right now our most frequently traveled spot is Disneyland! I'm sure that will change in about 5 years! I love cruises, and would take one every year if I could!
17. Speaking of Disneyland, I am a amusement park junkie! I LOVE roller coasters! I can't wait till my kids are older and I can take a family vacation to Cedar Point! (the best amusement park in the US!) I always scream as I am going down the first hill of a roller coaster, and laugh the rest of the way! (there is the nerdy part of me again!)
18. I love to sing and dance, but would never do either in public! I love blasting the ipod and dancing around the family room and LOVE singing in the car...and now, so do my children! My favorite songs to sing to are show tunes!
19. If I could be anything, besides a full time mother, I would want to be a pediatrician during the day/ and play the lead of Alphaba in the play, Wicked, by night!! (Nerdy! right?)
20. ( I still have 6 to go? really!) Ok...hmmm...I'm an impulse shopper! If I think I could use it, and the price is right, it goes in the cart! You would think I would do better since I HATE returns...but, No!
21. I"m a creature of comfort! I buy cute clothes at the store and like how they look on me, but when I get ready in the morning, I'm always going for those comfy broken in jeans, and comfy cotton shirt! Therefore, you would find several thing in my closet with tags still on them!
22. I love cute aprons! I love feeling uninhibited when I work in the kitchen or clean around the house! I have been known to accidentally leave the house in one, without knowing of course. I also love cute slippers. I hate walking bare foot on the cold hard tile, which is unavoidable in Arizona, but I hate wearing shoes! I have also worn my slippers out on accident! Good thing they are cute!
23. Because I hate wearing shoes, most of my shoes are flip flops! I even wear them to church, which, luckily, is a very common thing here in Arizona! It's painful for me to go shoe shopping, because nothing seems to look right since I'm always wearing flip flops! Finding boots this year was torture!
24. I hate conflict! I avoid it when ever possible, but when it's something that is important to me, I will meet it head on and fight for what I believe. Most people don't know how to deal with me when that happens, because I usually go with the flow and come across as sweet and passive....little do they know! Hee! Hee!
25. I have to check on my kids EVERY night, and kiss each of them before I go to bed! Each time I do that, I get so overwelhmed at how lucky I am to have them, and wish I could just stop them from growing, just for a bit!