Wednesday, October 17, 2007

6 months already!

Yesterday Sophia turned 6 months old. I can't believe how fast this time has gone. I guess it's hard for me to believe she is that old already b/c she looks and acts like a 3 month old. I guess Heavenly Father heard me when I asked for her to not grow up too fast!:) She is our doll baby. She has the cheesiest smiles and loves to be independent, rolling all over the floor and playing in her entertainer. She doesn't like to be rocked or held when she is tired. She wants to be left alone to fall asleep. That's what makes church so hard, but evenings a breeze! She doesn't like to eat solids; prefers the bottle, which she can now hold on her own! Her naps are unpredictable,1 hour one day and 2-3 hours the next. She usually only lasts 1-1/2 hours before she needs to go back to bed. She still LOVES the water and a fresh diaper; my other kids could care less about that! She is long and skinny and has the smallest head. She is adored by all who see her, especially when she has one of those big bows on top of her head!:) Aubrie loves playing with her and the boys adore her. What a blessing to our family.