Friday, November 30, 2007

Rained Out!

It has been raining nonstop since yesterday morning. Our backyard is flooded and our pool is almost flowing over. The kids went running around the water in their PJ's. Crazy kids!!
Our Christmas party is much for using the patio and the fire pit area! We are expecting 40 people, so it will be a little crazy w/out the outdoor space. We were planning on finishing the Christmas lights much for that! Beside all the complications, I am enjoying it!

Obviously we didn't go out much yesterday. Aubrie was part of the assembly at school yesterday morning, they did the story of the Hungry Caterpillar. It was done very cute. They all had something to hold, like the pie or the 3 plums, etc. They made these huge caterpillar with butcher paper and a cocoon. One of the students busted through the cocoon and was dressed as a butterfly. VERY cute!
Besides the assembly, picking the kids up from school was the only time I left the house. We spent the morning wrapping some presents and cleaning up. Ethan really got into the whole wrapping thing. I had an old roll of wrapping paper and I let him go to town. He kept grabbing toys from his closet and wrapping them up! Last night we just stayed home with the kiddos and had pizza. Boston had a reading marathon, wanting to read 10 books, I sat there practically falling asleep as her read to me. I was so tired by 8:00 pm. After he was done reading, we went downstairs while the kids played Christmas songs on the piano and my Mom read the night before Christmas. After, we watched a movie and went to bed.
Oh, last night, when Boston was reading on the bed, he positioned his bottom away from me and said "Mom I had to do that because I had to toot." I thought, "how considerate". Ben was in "that" direction and said, "what about me, Boston? My nose is burning." Boston said, "So what dad, my eyes are burning!" He is such a funny character.
The rest of the week was normal as always. Aubrie did have a problem at school on Monday. She and a friend were sent to the principals office for not getting along. Aubrie has this friend who she has been buddies with since 1st grade. The past month or so her friend has made a new best friend. That has caused problems on the playground, her being so loyal and trying to be her friend still and her friend telling her she doesn't want to play with her. It really breaks my heart. Aubrie has been so sweet, making her cards and giving her things. Her friend will be nice to her for a short while, giving her hope, and then it's back to the same old thing. Anyway, I have been telling her to make new friends, FOREVER, but she feels like she is betraying her if she does. The teachers have also been telling them to not play with one another, but they still were not listening. So they sent them to the principal and he told them the same thing. Finally, she listened to him. She has played with some new girls this week, and I couldn't be happier about it. I just can't believe there is this kind of drama at such a young age. When I was 7 I didn't care about that kind of stuff. At recess i just ran around and did my own thing, or played w/ the boys! Times have changed or I just wasn't like other girls, I guess!
Well that's it for now. Hopefully we aren't floating around on a boat by tonight, ha! Good thing we have a two story house...guess we should move our food storage upstairs. LOL We Phoenicians aren't used to this much water!
Aubrie doing the litter box. What a drama queen!