Sunday, April 6, 2008

Busy week..with a Conference finale!!!

This week has been pretty hectic! I was pretty much down for the count on Monday, trying to recoup from the trip. I also haven't been feeling very well. I have been feeling very fatigued, having stomach pains and feeling a little nauseous in the morning. NO! Pregnancy is impossible for me. I'm not sure whats going on, but I'll survive. I always do! The hardest thing was that I couldn't take it easy. The week was very busy and I had to push things in high gear to get stuff done! This week I hosted a baby shower for Leslie. I really didn't do much as far as food, every one pitched in and I just made a cake and got some food for the kids. Another friend got all the decorations, party favors etc. So I don't know why I felt busy. I still had to make her gift (hooded towls) and buy the stuff to make them. In between all of that, I had loads of laundry, a house to pick up, a meeting Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. The shower was Thursday at 11:00 am, and seemed to take up most of the day, setting up, actually having it, and then clean up. My Mom was a gem to help with it all, and it was a great time. I was glad that I could help out and host it! So I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining. I guess when you sit around relaxing all weekend, throwing yourself back into real life isn't the easiest thing!

This weekend was Conference weekend. It was a great General Conference! It was a little hard for me to accept the fact that I would no longer get to see sweet President Hinckley's face! On the other hand, President Monson is amazing! His humility and gratitude for the support during the solemn assembly was endearing, and the words spoken on his account were all so supportive. The talks given during the second session were my favorite. They focused on very specific and basic principals of the Gospel. Elder Ballard gave a great talk on Motherhood, which really gave me much to think about. His message was to mothers of small children. He said that the time you have with them when their little ( the developmental years) is so short , and to be careful how you spend that time. He cautioned us to not busy ourselves with things that can be done in a different season of our life. It is so true, so this is my last blog entry! Ha! Just Kidding! This is actually my way of preserving those sweet memories. I did realize that there are things that I can cut out of my life, that I can do later or not at all. As I was taking some pictures for Aubrie's baptism announcement, I sat there in astonishment at how fast 8 years have gone by. It seems like yesterday that she was Sophia's age. Then as I was rocking Sophia, tonight, I thought how quickly the next four years will go by, when I'm sending her off to school! When I look back at that time I would rather have put my talents, interests, etc. on hold, instead of regretting the time I lost with my sweet little Sophia, and the last year I have with my cute Ethan, before he goes off to school!

Tonight we had a few couples over for dinner. It was a nice visit. Ben and I keep saying how we should have at least one family over for dinner a month. I'm always so lazy to get things going, but once they come over I always have a great time. It's just a great way to get to know couples better. They were here until 7:30 and then we put the kids to bed!

Here is the 411 on the kids!

Boston...Was sad when his "girlfriend" had to go on yellow this week, is currently on his 5th Junie B. book (he keeps asking me how many Aubrie has read); got his first Webkinz and is anxious to get on the computer to feed him (it's a tan dog and he named him Jack Jack); jumped in the pool with his clothes on today (along with the rest of the crazy family); put a dollar and some candy in Kate and Sarah Frandsen's birthday cards that Aubrie made for their party (always so generous and thoughtful); and told my Mom that he was going to be an actor when he grows up because he is the "best actor in the world".

Aubrie...Was too tired to go to dance on Monday after a long plane ride home on Sunday; was too embarrassed for me to listen in on her voice lesson (is this the Aubrie I know?); went to Sarah and Kates birthday party and had fun painting nails, a pot, and doing girlie things; insisted that I buy her seeds on Saturday so she could grow them in the pot she painted, wrote in her journal that she thinks she is rich (she just got 10 dollars...ha!).

Ethan...told my Mom and I that he likes to "build things, clean things, and play in the kitchen" (what kind of profession fits all three?); did all his chores on his own while I was sleeping in Monday morning; randomly has been coming in the room where I'm at and saying, "Mom, I love you" and then blows me a kiss; had fun going to the outlet malls with Mom and getting pizza and playing in the play area!

Sophia...has been gracing us with 6:00am wake up calls; bottom teeth are growing fast; climbed the ladder on the play set outside; started doing the "crab crawl" since I put her in shorts; stood by herself in the middle of the room; fell in the pool (with me watching her of course). She didn't go near it after that; laughs when we sing to her!

Here are my two girls! Eight years goes by in a flash!!!!