Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baby Steps

Memorial day was a great day! It stared with Sophia taking her first steps! After she tried, and fell, we would all clap. She thought we were clapping at her fall, because she kept throwing herself on the ground over and over, and would laugh! She finally got brave enough to "let go"! She is still so far from walking, but hey, "baby steps"! LOL

So back to the day! Ben let me sleep in till 9:00 and we started things off with waffles, topped with strawberry freezer jam, blueberries and whipped cream! YUM Then Aubrie and I played a few games of Battleship. We hit the pool for a little bit, while Sophia napped. When she woke up, headed to Castles and Coasters, again. Funny how we have lived in the Valley for 5 years and have never been there until last week, and then we go twice in one week. The kids had so much fun golfing before, it seemed like the best idea for the day. The kids had a blast, and were even better than last time. Boston was only 4 strokes behind me. Of course I wasn't on my game like before. Ben whooped me! We ran into some friends while we were there; guess it was the hot spot for the day. After goofy golf, we headed out to get some lunch.

Lunch time brought us the biggest laughs of the day. Just as we were approaching In & Out (the kids had no idea we were eating there), Aubrie said, "I'm so hungry. Let's eat at In & Out. I just can't stand it!" (referring to her hunger). I was laughing at how melodramatic she was, and Ben was sitting there astonished at how she can ruin every surprise, just like her Mother. Chick-fillet is right by In & Out and so Ben decided he would run there first, just in case anyone wanted Chicken. As we were getting in the drive thru line, I said ( to the kids), "raise your hand if you want In & Out". Ethan replied, " I want In!" Later, Aubrie brought it to our attention that he was probably thinking we were asking him if he wanted to go in and eat (it had a play place) or just get it through the drive thru! After we grabbed some nuggets for Ethan and Sophia, we headed to the In & Out drive thru. As we were about to order, Boston said, "Mom! Remember that I just want ketchup, a bun and 'the hot thing'" (AKA patty). Where does he come up with this stuff?

When we got home (we ate our lunch in the car:), we swam some more, and the neighbor kids joined us. I then took Aubrie to dance, and got to read some more of my book. One of the male dance instructors there (BTW he is on this season's "You Think You Can Dance"), was teaching Aubrie's class for the day. Aubrie always lights up when she See's him, and she came running to me during the break saying, "Mom! I think he likes me!" So funny how a 8 year old girls mind works, sometimes! He is nice to her, and so he likes her! LOL It's was just fun to watch her get all giddy!

After dance, we had dinner and FHE. Aubrie prepared it herself, for her Faith in God. She did it on Joseph's Smith first vision. She did very well! Her testimony is strong! Even though she gets a little flustered sometimes, just like her Mother!:)

After Family Home Evening, we sat around our half way finished fire pit (it's so nice to have a bench there now), and then the kids went to bed, while I read my book!

Tuesday was the first official "lazy summer day"! Sophia woke up at 7:00 and went back down at 8:30. The kids were still sleeping, so I went back to bed until 9:30, when Aubrie and Boston got up. Ethan slept in till 10:30! The kids then did their responsibilities, and then we spent the day outside. The neighbors came for a quick swim, before we headed to Rubios for dinner. Our neighbors had some certificates for free kids meals, and Ben was out of town, so that was a no brainer! The kids did well, except for one spilt drink and Sophia not wanting to eat anything! We came home and I put Harry Potter in (their choice), and I read my book! I stayed up until 3:00 am to finish it! I repeat! I am not good at putting books down!

Luckily the kids woke up late, again. Sophia didn't, of course, but I laid in her room while she played, and she went back down at 8:25! The kids slept until 9:30! Today we just hung out at home, until the kids had piano! They were a little resistant to go, at first, but the lesson went fine! I made a stop at Walmart during their lesson (it's conveniently across the street). They just started to carry the OP line of clothing. Man, does that sure bring back memories! OP was HUGE when I was a kid! Especially since I lived in California! Anyway, they had a cute OP Hawaiian type of shirt, that I picked up for Boston. When I got home and gave it to him he asked if he could put it on "right now". I told him to save it for our trip (we were going to go to California). Boston said, "What trip? Are we going to Hawaii?" Ha! He thought because I got him an Hawaiian shirt, we were going to Hawaii?! I said, "Sure, if you have four thousand dollars". He then said, "I don't, but Dad does!" He had a lot to learn!

Tonight I hurried to get the kids registration forms filled out for West Wing. I still haven't decided what to do yet, but I want a shot at the good teachers, just in case. So that made me a little late for Young Women's. They were doing the out door cooking classes, for camp. When I got home, we decided to put California off until July, when the cool weather would be much more appreciated! I'm relieved I don't have to pack! Here is to another full week in Arizona!! Can you tell I'm dreading the heat?!