Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MY favorite things!

I figured since this is a journal I should record some of my favorite things! So here it goes...
-raindrops on roses
-whiskers on kittens
-door bells and sleighbells....ok...just kidding! I do love that song though and it drives Ben CRAZY when I sing it! Here it goes for real!

-Taking pictures of my kids, and of landscapes!
-my small camera
-Chapstick (original only)
-Reading (Anything Stephenie Meyers is my favorite these days; and also loving The HOLY Secret and any good parenting book)
-Traveling-wish it were Hawaii this year, but Sophia is too young!
-Newborn babies-could hold them for hours if I had the time (that's when being a Grandma will be so GREAT!)
-Serving in Young Women's (they make me feel young)
-Text messaging!
-80's music and the Wicked CD
-Watching Everybody Loves Raymond episodes with Ben before we go to bed (good, cheap therapy sessions!)
-Driving really fast with the right song, when I'm all alone in the car! Hee Hee
-Big Post It's for "to do" lists!
-Outdoor stuff (swimming, camping, hiking)
-Organizing (when I have the time! I love plastic containers!!)
-my hair straightener!
-hearing my kids laugh!!!!!
-a clean house!
-new decorations for my house
-air fresheners! ( creamy nutmeg wallflower is my absolute fav!)
-a good pedicure
-mint chip (has to be the green kind) or butter pecan ice cream
-summer salad and 1/2 chicken walnut sandwich from Paradise Bakery
-spoiling people that I LOVE!
My top 3 dream jobs would be, besides being a MOM (the best job, but most thankless)
1. Broadway Star (preferably for Wicked)
2. Motivational or Inspirational Youth Speaker
3. Pediatrician
Things I feel most thankful for these days, (Besides the Gospel...because that's a given)
1. MY Family
2. The last 3 Wards that have connected me with AMAZING friends!!!
3. Living in this Great Country
Things I hate the most these days
1. Getting up (still not a morning person)
2 Filling my Gas Tank
3. Getting my kids to read (summer has made them Lazy!)
4. Working out (why can't my body be firm without working out? It worked before I had babies!)


Tamzen Fleming said...

We are so much alike!

Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

You would be great on broadway! :)