Saturday, September 13, 2008

Eiffel Tower and Hexagon

Thursday, Aubrie came home and said, "Do you know why we were supposed to wear red, white and blue today? Because today was the day the Hexagon and Eiffel Tower were hit by airplanes and went down." I missed that History lesson. She was so concerned about it, though, wanting to talk about all the details. When she found out Ben was two blocks away, when the towers fell, she became more interested and wanted to see all of his stuff. She took it to school the next and shared it with the class. Come to find out, one of Aubrie's friends, in her class, lost her grandparent in 911. That really concerned Aubrie, and I could tell she was thinking a lot about it. I hope that gives her greater appreciation for all the loved ones she still has in her life, especially her Dad. We were so lucky that day, and every year I think about how blessed we were that he was kept out of harms way. I also say a heartfelt prayer for all those families who weren't as fortunate.