Sunday, September 7, 2008

I Know He Loves Me!

Today I received another witness to the fact that God knows each of us, individually! He knows everything about us. He knows when we are happy, and knows when we are down! He wants to help us, and many times the only way he can is through others. I always try to listen to the promptings of the spirit, even when the thing I'm prompted to do seems ridiculous. Sometimes I never know what ever becomes of me following his will, but I just have to believe that I did the right thing. Today I was feeling down and alone. I don't know why? I foolishly let some dumb things get to me. I do that sometimes. Not often, but it does happen. I was standing at my kitchen island, while Ben and the kids were out swimming, and I felt like I wanted to cry. Then the doorbell rang. I quickly wiped a few tears that had already escaped me, and answered the door. There was one of my Laurels, from the old ward, with a card and a box of candies. It wasn't a girl that would normally stop by, and I was so surprised to see her. She thanked me for being such an amazing leader, and had specifically bought me these candies while on a trip. I had forgotten that I had given her a care package to take on her trip, and that was her way of thanking me. Before she had the chance to leave, another car pulled up and it was Terri P. and her family with a plate of cookies. Then the tears came. They came because I knew that God loves me, and wanted me to realized how much I was loved. Through these people, he was able to do his work. So I encourage you to go off those small promptings, even if you think they may not make a difference, because you never really know!


N Godown said...

That's awesome...not that you were down... but that you felt the love of our heavenly father! What an amazing feeling! You are awesome!!

Tamzen Fleming said...

That's great. He does love us so much and it's always great when he lets us know in a special way right when we need it! Thanks for the reminder!

the 2nd tallest tree said...

Wow, how cool was that?!

jenn goodman said...

I am welling up with tears ...

What an awesome sign that your HF does know you and what your needs are.

I loved this post. Thanks for sharing, Rach!