Monday, October 6, 2008

The perfect hairdo, truth and consequences, Red Sox Magic

I get home from a long day of work with Aubrie in tow and bring in all the groceries and dinner for tonight. I get all the groceries in the house and begin to start pulling the chicken apart to feed the family. We get settled and begin dinner. Boston looks up at me and tells me that he knows how he can help me. He tells me that I need that "stuff" on tv to rub on my head to give me the perfect hairdo. I look to my loving spouse for support and understanding and Rachel is laughing so hard she cannot control herself. All the kids got a big kick out of Boston's pronouncement. I asked Boston if he likes my current hairdo and he tells me that he does not. I tell him that he is grounded and beat him for ten minutes (just kidding, it was only 4 minutes!). I too got a good laugh out of his statement and then said a silent prayer that neither of my boys will be follicly challenged later in life.

Tonight for Family Home Evening we laid out the new law and established the new rules for the house. The kids were excited to participate and the whole lesson went very well. The rules require that we all work together as a family and that we all pull along together. I know that there are many times when we aren't working together and things don't go smoothly. I also know that Satan is most happy when there is contention and hard feelings. We are working hard to have respect in our family and love at all times. It is not easy, but it all starts with me. I came home today and hugged all the kids and told them that I loved them. It really makes a difference when they feel that and hear that constantly. We are hopeful that these new rules and consequences will help the kids to better understand their roles in the family and make everything run more smoothly. I am so grateful to Rachel and for her diligence with Family Home Evening and for pushing me along toward salvation. I figure if I stay close enough to her I might be able to sneak in the side door!

Tonight the Red Sox beat the Angels and are off to the ALCS against the Tampa Bay Rays! I was happy and yelling and jumping around. Before they won they gave up the lead in the 8th inning and I got grumpy. I need to not take sports so seriously, but I live and die with the Red Sox. After so many years of anguish and turmoil I am glad that they have started winning consistently. I will be yelling and screaming all the way to the world series hopefully.


Michelle said...

I love it Ben, don't feel too bad at least he didn't ask you when your baby is comming out like Layken asked Brent a few years ago!!