Tuesday, March 10, 2009


What happens when you have an (almost) two year old with a mind of her own? You get NOTHING done (except at nap time if your not taking a nap yourself!). I thought that Aubrie was independent....Sophia is giving her a run for her money. Lately, she likes to pick out her own clothes, which almost never turns out to be the best thing. She also likes to change her mind, and I will find her in her room with all the clothes out of her drawers (do I even bother folding and putting them away anymore), and her putting on something else. This morning Ben and I were getting ready and we could smell that she needed a diaper change. We played the game of "you it", and I guess Sophia didn't want to wait. I asked Ben where she went, and he peeked around the corner to find her naked (she had her top on). He had already forgotten about the diaper that needed changing (MEN!), and did not react to run and grab the diaper she was bringing to us. When he told me she was naked I remembered the dirty diaper and was able to run fast enough to intercept the diaper that was about to open up and fall on the floor. Then it was a game of chasing her down, before she plopped her little poopy heine on the floor. Luckily I got to her in time, and got her all cleaned up. Once I got that done, I went back to my bathroom to finish up my hair. In between that time, she had taken her clean diaper off and attempted to put on a different pair of pants. I let her keep the mismatched pants, but put a diaper on her backwards so she wouldn't take it off. Then she decided to take off those pants and put on two different pairs of socks she found in her drawer. It took me an hour to get ready, when it should have only taken me 30 minutes! I'm beginning to think that I'm going to have to get ready at the crack of dawn if I want to get anything done around here! I know this time goes by fast....but when your in the middle of it, it seems never ending!


Becky Jones said...

My little girl Jaimee is the exact same way lately. She'll be 2 the end of April. It seems like one mess or disaster follows another with a child this age. They are just so cute too. I love all of the fun word and phrases she is saying right now.