Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Little Counterfeiter

Today, after Church, I hear Ethan fooling around with the printer in the office. I go in to find him copying a dollar bill. I thought that was actually quite clever of him, considering he really is too young to understand the moral, or legal implications. I figured he would copy just one and cut it out, so I hurried Ben in the office to check out his ingenuity, and then we let him be. Five minutes later I find him still in the office, with over 20 copies ( the kid was smart enough to copy the backs, too). When I told him he had to stop wasting paper, he told me that he had to do it because he needed the money. I explained to him that copying money and trying to use it would be like stealing and that people who do that go to jail. (Except the government; printing money with not gold to back it up. ). He decided he would use the money for fun, and to write stories. Whatever that means. On a side note, I was pretty impressed at how real a copied dollar bill looked!

***I'd like to take this opportunity to share a proud moment. Spellcheck found no errors in this post! Miracles never cease! Or my spell check is malfunctioning!


Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

You are in trouble! That is very smart! Have fun with teenagers :)!