Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Later this afternoon, Ben took the kids out to the field by our house, again, to shoot the Airsoft guns. ( They have loved playing with those things.) I'm at home with Sophia working on the new puzzle, and I hear Aubrie screaming at the top of her lungs. She walks in crying, and I'm thinking, "Great, she got hit in the face or something!" She starts yelling that her two bottom front teeth were shot out. I opened her mouth and saw this!
I just couldn't believe this was happening. Apparently, Ben aimed at her chest when she was coming around a corner, and when he shot at her, she ducked and got it in the mouth. She then felt something in her mouth, and realized it was her teeth. Ben said when it happened she started crying and apologizing to Ben. Then she realized she wanted Mom, and then really started getting upset as she was running home.
Anyway, as I was holding her in my arms in disbelief, I was trying not to cry. I felt so bad for her. Honestly, I know they can do wonders in dentistry, but I didn't' know how quickly they could fix them. She just kept crying and saying she was going to look like a freak, and she wasn't going to be pretty anymore. We quickly called the Dentist and they said if we could get there in 20 minutes they could see her. Ben was driving like a crazy man to get there. He had his hazards on and was running red lights (making sure no one was coming first) and weaving in and out of traffic. I knew they would wait for us, but Ben felt bad that it happened and I know he was a on a his own personal mission.
Aubrie was so sweet. She was concerned that Ben might be crying, and was worried more about Ben and how upset he was, since it was his BB that hit her. Aubrie was a trooper. They gassed her up, and put a temporary bond on the teeth so they wouldn't be hypersensitive to cold and air. She has an appointment for reconstruction on Monday. I told her it was going to be a good story to tell her friends, and that all the boys in her class were going to think she is one cool girl! She has been a little nauseous since we got home, because of the nitrous oxide, but besides that, she is doing GREAT! When we got home I told Aubrie, "Hey! I got a song for you!" Before I even got a word out she said, "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth!" Gotta love a girl with a sense of humor!