Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bridal Veil and the Godowns (Day 5&6)

Sunday we slept in a bit, and had to raise Ethan from the dead. He is our teenager in a kids body. This is how we found him in the morning! How is did he end up there?We started our day at Bridal Veil Falls. The kids were looking forward to it the whole trip. It was much colder than it was last year, so getting in the water wasn't an option. They also were sad that the rope that was there last year, to help up a steep climb, was missing. It's not that we needed it. Guess it was just fun for them. Honestly, I forgot all about it. Funny how simple things like that are important to them. We reached the top much faster than last year, probably because they weren't hiking in flip flops this time. We only hung up at top for a few minutes, and then Aubrie and Boston hiked up the water fall from the bottom. Ethan had fun playing with sticks and Sophia just hung out with us on the bridge. The snow cone shack was under construction, so when we were done we headed straight to the Godowns.

Sophia's try at carrying the pack! I tried getting in but she wouldn't have it!:)

The Godowns are good friends of ours that moved to Utah. They were staying at a resort in the mountains. It's about an 30 minute drive through a canyon. It was a pretty drive up. Their condo sat next to a stream. Our kids had fun making a fort by the stream. Ethan had fun finding sticks and creating things out of them. I gave him a few of my hair ties, and a twist tie, and he created an awesome contraption where he would shoot smaller sticks off a big one. His own arrow shooter! That boys imagination is off the charts. After visiting for a bit, we took the kids to the resorts miniature golf course. We then came back for some good food and more visiting. It was GREAT catching up. It was such an enjoyable evening. We left before it got dark so we didn't have to drive the windy roads in the dark. Aubrie realized that she was the mosquitoes main course, as all her bug bites started to spring up an make her miserable! Poor girl! On the way home I realized I didn't get a picture of us with the Godowns. This was the only picture I got up there. These are birds nests made out of mud. Never seen anything like it before. When we got home we vegged out a bit, then packed things up for morning.
Monday, we left for home. The ride home was great. We stopped at this rock shop on the way home and the kids bought themselves some treasures. Boston picked out a crystal and purple geo rock. It took him forever to pick out the crystal because he couldn't figure out if he wanted a nicer rock for more money, or the other way around. He ended up being the bargain shopper, coming out only spending 2.50! Ethan got a bag of rocks and copper. After his purchase he walked out the door and said to the cashier , "Thanks! Have a great day!" The workers didn't see me around the corner and I heard them say, "What a sweet boy!" That made my heart smile. Aubrie got a petrified snail fossil and got Ben to buy me something that she liked! She asked me what my favorite rock was out of a certain display, and then she told Ben I really wanted something in there. Next thing I know he comes out with it! Smart girl! Good times at the rock shop! On the way home, Boston said, "This was a great trip!" I have to agree. It was a lot of fun!
We got home at 7...enough to unpack, eat and watch an episode of Wipe Out!!!