Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cold Turkey

So about a week ago Ben said to me, "Have you noticed that Sophia hasn't been sucking her thumb?" After he mentioned it, I did realize I hadn't seen her sucking her thumb. An orthodontist in our ward was looking at her teeth a few weeks ago, and he was telling us that we needed to bring her in for this "sucking thumb" program. I guess she wasn't for that, and so a few days later she said to Ben, "Look Dad, I'm just biting on my thumb now." Since then, we haven't seen her thumb in her mouth. I'm amazed that she was able to do it. At one point, not so long ago, her thumbs were cracking and she was crying that she couldn't stop sucking them. I thought we were going to have to get the bridge in her mouth for sure. To make sure she stuck with it, I didn't mention it to her, until this weekend. This past Friday I said, " Sophia, have you noticed that you have stopped doing something?" She couldn't figure it out and I finally told her. I told her what a big girl she was and how she earned a prize for stopping. On our way to Party City, soon after, she said, "MOM, I want a big Spider for my prize." She had just seen one in some one's backyard and thought it was so cool. I asked if she was sure, and she said YES!!! She asked me where we should put it and I told her in one of our trees. She said, "OH, Yeah! That will be so rude!!!" (That is how she describes doing something to scare people! ha!) Here is her prize