Monday, August 12, 2013

Basis Round 3!

Never thought I would be writing that title, but here we are at year 3 at Basis and loving it.  Aubrie has worked hard to stay there, and that was all her choice.  She realized that is where she wants to be.  When I asked her if she was dreading the homework when school was about to start she replied, "I actually am looking forward to it."  Ugh, what?  Double take.  Who is this child?   She is defintely not the sixth grader I put in there two years ago.  Times have been hard there, but it defintely has changed her into a girl that loves to learn, and is willing to work for it.  Boston has loves it and hasn't even looked back to West Wing.  He has a lot of friends there, and a lot of admirors to boot.  Aubrie now has  zero hour and Boston starts 1st.  So that means they are both getting up early again this year.  Probably a good spring board for Aubrie, since seminary starts next year for her.  Both of them are in elements without their freinds, but they have already made new ones, and still have their old!  Aubrie lost a few freinds who went back to West Wing, but it has allowed her to be more social and hang out with whoever she pleases without feeling like she is ditching them at lunch, or whatever.  It was sad to see them go, but I feel it will really help her open up socially.  Also, now that she is no longer taking gymnastics she plans on joining school sports teams and other clubs.  I'm  feeling this will be the best year for her at Basis yet!   Boston....he is always social where he is planted..precomps and comps will be the surprise for him.  Luckily he usually is on top of things!