Wednesday, July 31, 2013

First Day in July??

Ethan and Sophia's first day came way too early!  July 31st just seems so much early than August 1st!  I hated that it started so early.  I cherish my summers with the kids, and I felt like I got robbed of precious summer days with them.  The school they go to, Candeo, is excellent.  So the sacrifice was worth the early start.  Luckily Boston and Aubrie don't start for another week, so that made the transition much easier.  First it was nice having the older two home, because I was dreading Sophia going full day.  I knew I was going to be lonely without her.  So having them here eased that pain.  Sophia and Ethan had a great day.  They love their teachers.  Sophia has Ms. Symchak.  She said she is nice, and has a daughter, Sophia, who is also a first grader.  Ethan has his first male teacher, Mr. Moeller.  He was excited when he found out he had him.   This year the Hawkins are going to Candeo as well.   I will be taking to school and Tirza will be picking them up.  It's fun to see all those kids get out of the car and walk to the playground together.  Hoping this is a great year for them.