Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hot and Cold

Today was Aubrie's soccer game and Sophia's "friend" Easton's birthday party at the Ice Den.  Aubrie played well, and all of us had fun on the ice.  The only problem was that I wasn't thinking about dressing warm for the ice skating, since we sat in 100 degree weather first, for the soccer game.  So we showed up in shorts and short sleeve shirts, and I realized my mistake when I saw people walking up in winter clothes.  The Ice Den is about 35 minutes from our house, so there was no going home.  We resorted to raiding the lost and found for jackets.  Boston resisted at first, insisting that was stealing.  We told  him it was "borrowing", since we were putting them back.  Once he was warm, he forgot all about it!  

Playing some BB waiting for the game to start. 

Boston still not comfortable on the ice!