Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A New Cook!

I finally got a new cook, and her name is Aubrie. I started getting the ingredients out to make Aubrie's favorite dinner, and then I thought "I should have her try and do this". I've heard many talks at church about how we need to teach our daughters how to be great homemakers. Teaching her to do her chores, check! Teaching her how to take care of babies, check, check! Teaching her how to make small food items, check! Involving her in dinners....umm, not so good! I have this thing about messes, and if a kid can make a mess out of something I would rather not do it. That's why I'm not big on play-doh and paints. The kids are in Heaven whenever I pull those things out.

Anyway, I decided it was time to fight my neurotic behavior and let Aubrie dabble her hands in some meatloaf. She actually did very well. I got all the ingredients out for her and gave her the recipe and let her go for it. I did stand there in case she had any questions, but I didn't do any of it for her. She actually had fun mushing the meatloaf between her hands, and I actually enjoyed being able to keep my rings and watch someone else do it! Funny girl, as I was doing it she said, "Mom take some pictures for the blog." Guess she want's this documented for a future marriage resume, ha! Anyway, she made almost all the side dishes too and helped set the table. I made sure to mention to the family that she made the dinner, and it made her feel pretty accomplished. Ahhh, I'm envisioning the day that she can do it all on her own. How nice that could be.

The rest of the day was much more productive than yesterday. I actually sent the kids off to school this morning and got a work out in before Sophia woke up. After her long morning nap I ran to Walmart to get some groceries and containers for organizing. I went through my cabinets and closets figuring out what I needed to do to finally get them in order. Hopefully I'll find some time to follow through.

I picked the kids up and they had chores, homework and piano done before Ben got home. It's nice when that happens, that way we have more family time. Boston is actually getting some homework now. He started getting books sent home yesterday. He enjoys the reading and the spelling...but he HATES writing!!! I basically weed out anything that I feel is just busy work...for him at least. While Aubrie was doing her homework she said the sweetest thing. BYU radio was on, that's why I think she said this, she said "I can't wait to see Jesus again. I don't think I'll be able to sleep when I see him again". That made me realize that playing that music really made a difference. Her comment really couldn't have come at a better time b/c as I was turning it on today I was wondering if they really noticed it anymore. Guess I got my answer. Ben also said that the kids haven't been fighting as much on the way to school ever since I put my Young Women CD in the car. I am gaining a testimony of the importance of good music!