Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Whoa! It's been one of those days. Funny how one day can run so smoothly and be so peaceful and the next feels like you hit a truck dead on! Today was the "truck" day! First Sophia woke up earlier than normal, and then tired quick. I knew I couldn't make her last until the time I had to take Ethan to preschool. I quickly tried to think of the best option, and luckily I was able to arrange a quick carpool. I figured Sophia would sleep for a few hours and it would work fine for me to do the drive home. Ethan wasn't very happy about me not taking him, there goes that shy side of him again, and apparently was very grumpy and disobedient at preschool. I thought I found a great solution, oh well...strike one for the day.

Well it turned out that Sophia only slept an hour,whats up with that, and so my whole ride thing backfired. She was tired an hour before I had to do the pickup, so she only got 40 minutes of sleep, and so it carried on that way until I picked up Aubrie and Boston. Poor thing was in for a day of no sleep. Strike two!

Ready for strike 3? You know that's where I was going? This will be quite lengthy! I picked Aubrie and Boston up from school and all appeared to be normal. The day was salvaged! Boy was I in for a surprise. Before I drove them to piano, I had to stop for some gas. Ethan was complaining that he was thirsty and wanted some water. Aubrie had shared hers with me, and so when I told her to give some to Ethan she complained that Boston should share w/ him because she shared with me and Boston had more to give. I was a little frustrated because she still had 3/4 of her water bottle, and I can't stand when they try to do the even Steven's thing. As I was driving away from the gas station Ethan started to cry asking when he was going to get water. Aubrie never gave him any and still complained. So I told her she was on yellow for not listening and to give him the water. She gave him the water and I told her to get in her seat and buckle. As I was pulling into traffic, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw her kneeling next to Ethan. Again she didn't listen to me. She said she was waiting for her water, but I again explained that b/c she didn't listen she was putting herself in danger, and that she was now on red. Well she was not happy with that at all.

I told her things were changing and I was going to start enforcing the color system again, b/c I have noticed them not behaving as they should be. She then went on to tell me that she wanted a new Mom and a new family that wasn't strict, etc. I told her that if she had a family like that they probably would care about other things that were important either, etc. She kept going on about how she wanted out of the family, and she hates it....the typical teenage thing (hopefully when she is a teen she'll be over this, ha! ). I kept her in the car when we got to Piano and let Boston go ahead while we finished our discussion. I guess we weren't really done, more at an at impasse, but I was done talking about it so I sent her into Piano. Something told me to stick around, but Sophia was crying of hunger, and I brushed the feeling off as guilt. Now I know better. As I was pulling out I saw Aubrie sneak out the door, like she wanted to say something to me. I had her come over. I told her I loved her and we hugged. I then told her that if she really wanted a new family we could look on the Internet and see if there was any she liked ,"hee, hee", but that I really wanted her to be in our family. She got out and I pulled away as I saw her walk back towards the door.
Twenty minutes after I got home I got a call from the Lutheran church by where Aubrie takes Piano lessons. They were calling to let us know they had Aubrie, and wanted to know where we lived. Ben had answered the phone, thankfully, but he told them West Wing. I was thinking "no! Don't say that! Tell them we live down the street, it's true and it sounds better!" Anyway, we rushed over there, calling Jessie (their piano teacher) on the way to make sure she isn't panicked looking for her. Luckily she just thought I had taken her with me b/c Boston told her Aubrie was in trouble.
When we got Aubrie home I asked her what she could possibly be thinking when she decided to leave. She told me she was sad that she had made me so sad and that she was trying to walk home to tell me she was sorry. Apparently she was hot and thirsty and stopped at the church for some water. Good thing she stopped b/c I don't know what she would have done when she got to Lake Pleasant Pkwy. Good thing she knows her phone number too, b/c then the police would have been involved....dodged that catastrophe!

I told her that was way too long of a walk and she told me that it wasn't b/c she was planning on taking the short cut by the church. Guess she had it all planned out, except for the fact that it was 114 degrees outside, there was a major road to cross, oh and that she is NEVER to leave to go ANYWHERE without permission. We took away her privilege for gymnastics in the Fall, and now we told her we have to walk her to all her friends houses until we can trust her again.
Well, there is the novel. Mainly for Aubrie's benefit. So Aubrie...when you have a daughter someday and she does something like know where she got it!!!! The scary thing is that I see so much of me in her....just magnified!! Watch out world!