Monday, October 1, 2007

The best mom in the world

I know that I am not the blog master that Rachel is, but it is very important that our children know how lucky they are to have such a wonderful mom. There are so many things that Rachel does for our family that go unnoticed and I want her to know how much we appreciate her and all that she does for us.

Laundry Cleaner- There has never been a time that I have not had clean clothing. Mom works very hard to make sure that we have everything we need and that it is clean. This is not always easy with boys or Dads :).

Piano Instructor - Mom took piano lessons for 6 months as a small child, but will spend hours a week with Aubrie and Boston to make sure they are learning to play and play correctly.

Homework Helper- Mom is obviously the smartest of the parents. She makes sure that Aubrie and Boston have gone over their spelling words and math facts and other various assignments that are given for them to bring home and have signed. Mom is on top of it all and makes sure that she knows exactly what is going on at school.

Taxi Driver - Mom picks up Aubrie and Boston every day from school. On Mondays she then takes Aubrie to dance where she gets to sit and watch Aubrie dance for 2 hours. On Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons she gets to pick up Ethan from preschool. On Tuesdays it is Piano lessons. These are just a few of the trips that mom makes throughout the week and she does so with a smile and never complains.

Dental Hygienist - Mom makes sure that all the teeth are brushed and flossed nightly. It is a good thing because Dad is lucky to brush his own teeth.

Disciplinarian - I am sure you won't appreciate this aspect of your mom but it is very important to both mom and dad that rules are followed and respect is given. Mom is always fair and slow to anger. Dad is probably the exact opposite. Good thing mom is around.

Family Home Evening Instructor - Mom makes sure that there is a lesson ready every Monday night. Once in a while Dad will have something to contribute but Mom makes a point to all of us getting together for family night. We are lucky mom cares so much.

Church Preparation Coordinator - Mom is the first one up Sunday morning and makes sure that baths are taken, hair is combed, clothes are laid out the night before, breakfast is eaten, the church bag is packed........basically that we have everything we need for church.

Church Calling Magnifier - Mom always works hard to do her calling to the best of her ability. She may not always like the calling that she has, but she gives it her all every time. Mom goes to meetings, makes crafts, makes phone calls, is guided by the spirit. Mom does it all.

Psychologist - Mom is the sounding board for the family. Mom listens to the problems or challenges that we lay before her and she helps us to get through those times and helps to bring us back from the edge.

Executive Chef - Cheese toast and Ramen noodles? Only when dad gets to cook. Mom makes sure that we have a great meal to eat and that all of the food groups are present and that junk food is to a minimum despite dad's continual attempts to smuggle candy and ice cream into the house.

Comforter - when you are not feeling well mom is there to make sure that you have a big hug and feel loved. Mom makes sure that you have medicine when you need it or a doctor's visit if you aren't right.

Lifeguard - Mom is out at the pool for many hours of the day during the summer. Mom is one of the kids in the pool. She will go down the slide, jump off the waterfall, play sharks and minnows until the sun goes down, she will do all of this so that the kids can swim and have a great time.

Dance Instructor - Mom works with Aubrie to prepare for dance recitals. Mom learns the dance along with Aubrie and then helps her to fine tune her performance so that she knows what steps to take and has confidence in her presentation.

Birthday Cake Maker - Mom goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to birthday cakes. Mom has made some masterpieces over time to give the kids the best birthday they could imagine. Every cake gets better and mom is awesome.

Backyard Designer - mom has many skills. One of them was to design our backyard when we moved into our new home. Mom looked at the backyard and started drawing. It turned out perfectly and Rachel did a great job with pool, plants and overall design.

Photographer - Mom can take some serious photos and has a very good eye. Mom took several classes and several cameras to hone her skills. She does not talk too much about photography, but she is very gifted.

Interior Designer - the house is all mom. Dad has tried to put up some posters here and there but mom knows what looks best. Mom wants the best for our family and has worked very hard to make our house our home.

Grocery Shopper - this is one of the hardest things that mom gets to do. Take 4 children 7 and under to WalMart and see how long you last! I have done this before and got my butt kicked. Mom not only does WalMart but will also do Sam's Club in the same trip. Juggling four kids and a full cart of groceries is truly a gift.

Best Friend in the world - mom will do anything for you. She always thinks of others and takes little thought or time for herself. Mom's roots are probably outgrown and she probably looks a little tired but she will make sure that everyone else is picture perfect. Mom is always there for you when you need her and will drop everything to make your day better.

There are so many other things that Mom does that I have either forgotten about or don't realize. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom who loves us and takes care of us. We would not be where we are today if it weren't for our wonderful mom. Thanks mom. We Love You!