Tuesday, October 2, 2007


As sweet and thoughtful as Ben is, he must have forgotten how embarrassed I get when any attention is directed towards me. Anyway, please keep in mind that this blog is for our family journal and he is probably unaware of the HANDFUL of people I gave this address to. With that said, it did make me cry. I put him in charge of FHE last night, and that is what he did. He wrote it up at work. For FHE, he connected the computer to the TV and went over all the things I did for this family, w/ the kids, so they could be mindful of what a Mom does for them. We'll see how quickly they forget...ha!

After FHE we cleaned up a little, and put the groceries away. I had two grocery carts full from Sam's (luckily I ran into my Mom there so I could load some stuff in her car) and one from Walmart. Needless to say, it took a LONG time to put everything away! Ben said that if a famine was going to hit, this would be a good time! LOL We then watched Prison Break and made it to bed before 10:30...WOW!

This morning, when I woke up to feed Sophia, I couldn't go back to sleep. Around 6:15 I climbed into bed w/Aubrie, hoping to sleep in there (she has room darkening shades:). As soon as I pulled the covers over me, she started talking to me like crazy. So much for getting back to sleep. She was asking deep questions like, who was Heavenly Father's Father, and his Father and so on? Then she asked if we were all good in Heaven. I told her probably, and she mentioned the people who went with Satan and asked why they would follow him. Before I could come up with an answer she said "He probably is just really handsome, and a lot of girls wanted to follow him." You can tell where her mind is...boys!:) She watched a movie the other day that had the boy from High School musical in it, and for the first 10 minutes she kept saying "Grandma, he is so cute I just can't stand it!" I was a little worried to hear that until I remember feeling like that with Ricky Schroder and Kirk Cameron. I was a little boy crazy, but I turned out alright;)

Today was productive. I went to find something in my car and noticed something on the carpet. I got a rag to clean it, and then I noticed it needed to be vacuumed, and the seats were dirty, and well.... 45 minutes later I had a clean car! ( Ethan helped with the vacuuming, of course!) My house is picked up and I finally got to a lot of things on my to do list! There is still so many things on it; will I ever get caught up? Maybe after Christmas!!!!!

Sophia took some good naps, and Ethan went with Grandma Lorraine and Elias for a play date. So things were pretty quite here for a few hours. I probably should had taken a nap! Oh well, who needs sleep? After school was pretty uneventful; chores, homework and piano. Aubrie did make dinner tonight; shake and bake chicken (she loves to do that), green beans, pears, and a salad (my Mom made that). I'm so glad she has interest in cooking. I didn't as a child. I told my Mom I didn't need to know how to cook b/c I was going to marry a rich man and I would hire a cook! Ha!

After dinner was T-ball practice and then swimming. I couldn't go to T-ball with Ben and the kids b/c Sophia was ready for another nap...at 5:30! She is still asleep. She did this about three times last week, where she would fall asleep around 5:30 and sleep till morning. We did wake her and give her a bottle before we went to bed. I guess she must be growing!

When I was putting Boston to bed tonight I asked him how he liked his lunch. I put some new things in there and was wondering how he liked them. He told me he didn't have time to finish so he put it all back in his lunch box and it got all over and was sticky. I'm thinking as he was telling me this, "great, now I have to go down and clean it". He then preceded to tell me how he had to get a washcloth and clean it up, and how it was hard to get it all cleaned up. Is this kid for real? His wife is going to LOVE him!

I finally took an after picture of the floors. Here is the dining room. The lighting isn't the greatest! Notice the curtains are gone....guess wood floors are shorter than carpet, so I had to get the hem let out! Ben's office looks the same, except messy!:O

Future race car driver, auto mechanic or car salesman?

Future Architect?