Sunday, October 7, 2007

Common Side Effects are...

The new kid in the family! ;) Boston found these, and I couldn't resist taking a picture!

By the way, we are alive!!!! I've just been feeling awful, since Wednesday! I have had a headache that just won't go away, and have been so tired lately that it has seriously been debilitating. I actually went to bed at 9:00 one night, which is nothing like me! I couldn't figure out what was wrong w/ me, and at times it was so bad it left me in tears. After some prayer, a thought finally came to me as to what might be causing the continuous headache and tiredness. I got online today and looked up the side effects of Ambien. One of them was headache, and another...tiredness (2%), lucky me! I'm going to stop taking them for a few days and see if it gets better. I'm praying that's the problem, b/c I was seriously at the point of asking my doctor for a CATScan.

Since the headaches have been so debilitating, there really isn't much to report, or maybe I just simply can't remember:) Wednesday was piano and YW. Thursday I had a church meeting, which had some great information on teaching and gave me some ideas for our family. Friday I insanely went to eat lunch with the kids. I don't know what I was thinking? A caferteria of kids isn't exactly the best medicine for a headache! I barely got out of the house for date night. We spent our date night at Caramba's, the Mall, and Walmart; where got all of our kids Christmas presents. You should have seen the looks we got from people as we passed them w/ this cart full of toys. They must have thought we really spoiled our kids!! Friday night is when I really started to go down hill. When we got to Walmart, at 8:00, I was sitting on a bench waiting for Ben to make a return, and I seriously felt so awful I didn't feel like moving. It felt like it was 1:00 am, and we just got out of a heavy metal concert.

Saturday morning we had Boston's T-ball game. The game started 30 minutes late b/c pictures took forever. Luckily I brought the stroller and strolled Sophia around the park. She fell asleep right before the game and woke up about 15 minutes before it ended. Boston had a good time and the weather was GREAT; a little chill in the air. When we got home, I started to go down hill, again. Luckily I was able to concentrate on Conference, which was really good. I loved the second session, especially. It was all on missionary work. I have been thinking about missionary work a lot lately, and they seemed to answer a lot of my questions. It's amazing how the General Authorities pick their own topics, and yet they all seem to follow the same theme. Speaking of General Authorities, Elder Henry B. Eyring was sustained as Second Counselor in the First Presidency, and Elder Quentin L. Cook was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. After the first session, they had a Press Conference and asked the two Authorities questions. I think that is the first time they have done this. I was still feeling pretty crumby after conference, but mustered the strength to hold the fort down, while Ben went to Priesthood session. Nothing Pasta Ravioli's and High School Musical couldn't take care of!:)

Today I woke up miserable, but was able to keep the kids quiet enough to listen to conference. There was a great talk, given this afternoon, about picking the best things out of good things. He, I can't think of who gave it right now, talked about where you place your priorities and cutting out the unnecessary frills that take up our time and are not necessary. I have the tendency to be guilty of that. I actually think it's a sickness that many Mormon women suffer from. We sometimes expect perfection in everything we do... things that don't really matter. Most nonmembers I know don't seem to suffer from this. I wonder why that is?! I'm not obsessive about everything; my hair and my body prove it! Ha! I'm more obsessive w/ projects and keeping order!

After conference, Ben prepared a nice steak dinner and then we took advantage of the great weather, (78 degrees!) and went on a walk. We actually ran into another family from our ward who had the same idea. Sophia really enjoyed the walk, and Boston got really long piggy back ride; my back is still feeling it. Tomorrow school is out, so if the weather is nice and I'm feeling better, we will probably attempt the Zoo! I hope I'm right about the Ambein!!!!!