Friday, October 12, 2007

Zoo Day

Well my headaches are gone....and I'm assuming it was the Ambein. It feels so great to feel more like myself again! Monday we were able to go to the Wildlife Zoo, since I was feeling better. Ben wanted to go w/us, so we waited while he finished up some early morning appointments. Unfortunately, it wasn't as nice and cool as it was was over the weekend. Around 12:00 it was getting pretty warm. I was pushing the stroller from shaded spot to shaded spot, and all the kids were fighting over the front seat of the double stroller. Besides the heat, we had a great time. The monkey's were entertaining, as always. One of them stuck his hand out of the cage, like he was wanting me to stick my finger out. I figured it would be harmless, so I put my finger out. He then would pull his back in and stick it out lower. He kept teasing me like that for about a minute. Finally her grabbed my finger, but it was more like he was pulling it towards him, HARD! It scared me big time....won't do that again. The kids thought it was funny!
We did the normal Lory bird feeding. It hasn't been so great the past two times we have been. There aren't as many birds as there used to be, so your lucky to even get a bird to sit on your hand. I talked to one of the zoo workers and they said that West Nile killed a lot of them and that they will be getting more birds this winter. I hope so, b/c that's the best part of the zoo! The kids also did their next favorite thing, which was feed the giraffe's . As we were putting money in the feed machine, one of our quarters fell down through the wood platform, down below. We looked down there and realized that happened a lot, b/c their were several other quarters down there. A few minutes later Ben told me to look through the planks again, and there was Aubrie down there collecting all the quarters. She ended up with about 4 dollars! That's our Aubrie!
After the Zoo, we were pretty hungry. We were there until 2:00 and the only thing we had to eat were the two Icee drinks and pretzel, that cost us 9 dollars! We stopped at the new Chili's and had a late lunch. Aubrie was excited that they had ribs on the child's menu! She is the only kid her age , I know, that loves steak and ribs! She is always asking to go to Outback and Texas Roadhouse. She is going to be an expensive date!
We then went home and gave Sophia a nap, while I went back out with Aubrie and Boston for Halloween decorations and threats for the secret "booing" we had to do. Sunday night someone dropped off a basket w/ a lot of fun goodies, and so now it was our turn to continue the chain! The kids had fun picking stuff out. That night we did the secret drop offs for family night and talked about service, and how serving without recognition is the best kind of service. I was hoping to see some of that this week, but that didn't happen!
Let's see....the rest of the week was the normal stuff; school, T-ball practice, YW, etc. For YW we went to an improv theatre that someone in our ward opened up. Our youth group combined w/ Lake Pleasant. I drove 7 kids there, and as I heard them talk, I once again realized how old I was getting. One of them was talking about how they loved Blues Clues as a kid! I realized that came out when Aubrie was born! Then I was playing some of my music and they had no idea who the artist was! Then when I was singing to some of the current songs on the radio they said "Sister Pribyl, you do know some songs that aren't from the 80's!" Ha! Ha! It was good times! There were some funny skits and its always great to get together with the youth. They are so strong and valiant. I feel honored to work with this special generation!
Yesterday was weird. I took a Unisom Wednesday night ( I took them every night when I was pregnant) and the next morning I was so tired. I couldn't get myself off the couch. Luckily Sophia took a 2 1/2 hour morning nap and Ethan was good enough to sit on the couch and watch cartoons. I was so out of it! It felt like I took a Ambien that morning! Guess I won't be taking Unisoms either! Luckily I felt alright by the afternoon. Last night my Mom and I had a Mother/Daughter's night out. We had some dinner at Texas Road House and then hit Ross and Target. I helped my Mom pick out some Christmas Presents for the kids and I ended up finding the cutest Ralph Lauren snow suit for Sophia, for next year of course! We got home around 9:30, and it felt like Midnight. Ben and I still started to watch our Thursday night line up! We were halfway through Smallville when he got an emergency work call. It was 10:30 and he had to head out to Goodyear. I waited up for him, of course, so we didn't get to bed till 12:30. Surprisingly, I was wide awake at 6:00 this morning. I'm sure I'll feel it tonight!
Kids are doing well! Aubrie was a little disappointed that her teacher told her she couldn't read Junie B. Books b/c they are too easy. I'm wasn't too upset about it since I'm not too crazy about those books anyway. The girl is so bratty and is such a bad example. Luckily her teacher helped her pick a book from her personal library that Aubrie is excited about, and it more her reading level. Aubrie is liking her teacher more and more, and so am I. She is really good w/ the kids and is very organized and responsive!
Boston is doing well in school. The other day he said, "Mom, I love school! I wish I could stay there all day." His reading is really coming along! He loves to grab books from our library and read them over and over. He is getting more greens at school. We talked to the teacher and she said that he always finishes his work so fast, that he gets bored and starts talking. I guess he is learning to control that. He did get a yellow this week for showing someone his underwear. LOL! He gets yellows for the most random things, it's so hard not to laugh!
Ethan (and Sophia) have had this awful cough, for most of the week. Since he has been sick, he has been a little more laid back. We have played with playdoh a lot this week, so he has been a happy camper! :)
Sophia has done wonderfully, especially since she has been sick. Yesterday she took 3 2 1/2 hour naps, and was happy all day! Sophia has finally got the feeding thing down, which has been nice. Today she almost finished a full jar in one sitting. She also has started holding her own bottle....yeah, FREEDOM!!!!!