Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Season Ended

It's weird when the reality finally hits that a season of your life is over. I finally conquered my closet, which has been begging for some type of organization, as it looks like a dresser exploded in there. It consisted of piles of maternity clothes, in between cloths, after pregnancy cloths, and those skinny cloths that are collecting dust; will I ever fit into those again? boo hoo! Anyway, I finally gathered up all my maternity cloths (minus some really cute shirts that I can still pathetic!) and put them in a huge container and hauled them out of my closet. As I put the last thing in and shut the lid, the weirdest feeling came over me, a weird twist of relief and sadness. I am positive I will be a complete wreck for Sophia's first step, first day of school and so on!

Friday night, Ben and I took our usual night out and went to Pei Wei. I remember really liking that place, but it wasn't the greatest experience and the food wasn't as great as I remembered. It really worked us....leaving us w/ upset stomachs. So after a trip to the mall, we decided to wash dinner down w/ some Jamba Juice. Just before we got there, Ben suggested we call some friends of ours and see if they were up for some cards. As we pulled up to Jamba Juice, there our friends were sitting was fate!) After talking to them for about 30 minutes we headed back to their house and talked and played some cards ( really more talking then playing cards)! We left around Midnight and felt it this morning!

Today was pretty laid back. Boston had a 9:00 am T-ball game. He had some great hits! I had a chance to chat w/ some of the Mom's which is always fun. Especially when they talk about chili cook outs that include Jello Shots and Co-Ed Softball teams that are called "I'm Just Here for the Beer" and I'm sitting their thinking , "If you only knew I was Mormon!" I did drop some hints like, "Oh we don't drink." But that only got me comments like, "Oh, we don't either just for things like this." Don't get me wrong, the ladies are soooo nice, it's just funny how we can live in the same world but "live in such different worlds!" It is nice to have the chance to meet friends of other faiths. Missionary work would me nonexistent if we didn't.

After T-ball I ran over to Lake Peasant's Super Saturday. They had so many cute things! I wish I would have signed up for more. It did give me some ideas. Oh wait, like I have time to finish my own things at home! I was there for a few hours. It was nice catching up w/ friends from the old ward and visit w/ those from ours who had crossed over for the overly cute crafts:)

The rest of the day we just relaxed. Sometimes its hard for us to do nothing. We kept asking one another, "What do you want to do?" Why can't we just sit around and enjoy doing nothing? We live in such a fast pace life, I think it becomes hard to take time to just relax and recharge!

We did have a little drama today. Ethan fell out of the back of his motorized truck and busted his lip. There was blood everywhere and at first Ben thought we were going to have another thousand dollar ER visit. Luckily he just cut the inside of his stitches required! He was really upset, and Aubrie was very helpful. She got a stuffed animal of hers and wrapped it up and gave it to him. She also got a book and read to him until he fell asleep. I love that side of her; that loving nurturing side. Anyway, he still has a huge fat lip, but now believes us when we say, "that kids are not supposed to ride in the back!" Sometimes they have to learn the hard way!

Tonight we had the Frandsens over for swimming and pizza. The kids have a great time w/ their kids. We spent a lot of the time in the hot tub, and after some time the kids finally adjusted to the pool temperature....CHILLY!!!! After they went home, the kids wanted to watch a movie. Before it even got started Aubrie fell asleep in this position. That left Boston to picking the Movie...Star Wars, Episode II! By the time Ben put Aubrie in her Bed and came back down, Boston had fallen asleep. Guess today really wore them out! I'm worn out! The difference is that kids don't have all these little tasks they finish up through the late hours of the night.....oh, to be a kid again! The grey hairs are reminding me that I am getting further and further from that every day!


Trina said...

What a cute background!! You must have some very creative friends ... or friends of friends!! :)