Friday was exhausting! Ben and I were up till 3:30 talking, and 6:30 came way to fast! The kids had dentist appointment's at 1:00, so I knew if I got up and showered early, I could nap while Sophia napped. An hour and a half seemed like 20 minutes. It was so hard to get up and going. While I was waiting in the lobby with Sophia, I could hardly keep my eyes open. One of the ladies who was adoring Sophia asked, "You have 4 kids?" I replied yes, and she said, "You are crazy!", in a nice tone, thankfully! I just said, "I'm normally not this tired, I was just up late! It's really not that bad." I don't' think she believed me.
We'll we made it out of the Dentist office with 3 cavities. Aubrie has to have two fillings and Boston needs an extraction and a spacer. The dentist was assuring me that most of it is genetics, because he thought I might take it personally! I just laughed. I told him that I floss twice a day and brush several and still get cavities, and Ben wasn't' introduced to floss until he met me and he never has anything wrong with his teeth. So I know its genetics! Too bad my genes were passed on to my kids, because now it will cost us 500 dollars! The dentist did warn me against fruit chews. He said they pull out sealants (which they did with Aubrie) and fillings! So Friday was a sad day for my children as I banned "fruities" (as my MIL calls them) from the house!
After the dentist office, was dance. I dropped Aubrie off and came home for a quick 30 minute rest, while Sophia napped. Ben on the other hand was golfing, and I have no idea how he made it through 5 hours of golf on no sleep. I figure if he wants to torture himself, that's his prerogative. After Aubrie's dance, and Ben's game, we met up with some friends for dinner. When we got to their house, there were about 6 girls there having a fun "beauty night". Their daughter, Gracey, is friends with Aubrie. They realized it would be fun for her to join them, so Ben and Taylor went and got Aubrie while Terri showed me some of her decorating magazines. Aubrie was excited for the change of plans! We then headed out for dinner. We ate at Fajitas (I probably don't have to tell you what we had!). We did learn, however, that there is such thing as Fajita B.O. Our clothes stunk so bad! As soon as we got home, we stripped our clothes off and showered! Anyway, after dinner, we hung out at their house for a bit, and then DRAGGED Aubrie out of there! I was so ready for bed! Right as we were about to fall asleep, a huge storm started to hit. Being the kids we are, we ran outside and watched the storm for about 20 minutes. It was so windy, and the lightening reminded me of the storms we had in Oklahoma! It was awesome! Finally, we called it quits and went to bed.
Saturday was one of those days where we didn't have a schedule, but many things to keep our day busy. We fit in a Walmart shop, of course, and I kept busy with laundry and various other cleaning projects. Terri Price came and fixed my hair. There were some spots that were bugging me, and she (being the great perfectionist hairstylist that she is) made it look better. Anyone looking for a new hairstylist? She is great! She brought her daughter, Gracey, while she was here, and her and Aubrie had a fun time making a fort in the window well in the front. Here are some pictures of Aubrie and Boston in it. They have a water cooler in there, along with some other "essential" items. They keep looking for things to add to it. Yesterday, Aubrie bought some flowers to plant right by it. They also set up a "hammock" in the tree right in front of it! I love it when kids get creative!
They actually let me in it! Guess I'm fort worthy! Oh, here is a chance to check out the new "Do"!
Today was another crazy Sunday morning. When the power went out Friday night, our bedroom clock got reset to the wrong time....therefore so was our alarm. We made it to church just as they started the opening song. Sophia did much better this week. She made it through more than half of Sacrament meeting and half of Sunday School. My Mom took her home third hour. It was a combined meeting. They spoke on the Family Proclamation and encouraged us to memorize it and how it would benefit our families to do so! So next week starts the memorizing. I remember when Aubrie was a Sunbeam, the primary memorized it. She got half of it memorized. If she can do that at four, I have no excuse. They gave us laminated cards with the Proclamation on it. I handed one to Aubrie as we got out of the meeting, saying in an excited tone, "Look what I have for you"! She just handed it back to me. I guess once was good enough for her! LOL Or she was more concerned with whether or not she would see Zachary in the halls! Can you guess what our next couple of Family Home Evening's are going to be on?
Tonight, some new friends that just moved in the Ward, had us over for dinner. They came from Atlanta, and knew our friend, Brad Olsen. It's such a small world, especially being a member of the church. We had a fun time with them, and the kids got a long really well. They have four kids, also, who are all the same ages as our kids. Their oldest is in Aubrie's class, at school. The wife reminded me so much of my friend, Janeen Hammond, from North Carolina. She is really nice and so is the husband. Ben and I were talking about all the great people we are surrounded with in this area. It is so true! Isn't it great how there are always friends awaiting you, no matter where you move, being a member of the church? (Only a bonus to all the other great blessing that come from it!) As we move or our wards are split off, we feel that more people are added to our great circle of friends! I just wish I had more time to talk and hang out with them! I guess that's what retirement is for! Ha! Oh, that and my grandbabies!!!!
Fajita B.O. is real - and so is Chili's B.O.! Remember when you would come home from work, you would put your clothes on the balcony?
Yeah, I was having serious Chili flashbacks as I was eating there! I was wondering how between the fajita B.O. and the formadlahyde from the anatomy lab, you could stand living with me! LOl
I like your hair, it's really cute. Your backyard looks like a great sanctuary!
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