Thursday, September 4, 2008

Calling all Bloggers!

Ok...for some reason I'm having problems putting my friends blogs who are private (you know who you are) in my Google reader! So if any of you blogger experts know how to do that, or know how to make them some what accessible so I don't' have to retrieve the addresses from and old email, I would greatly appreciate it! I could be sending this via email, but I figure my blogger friends would see this first before email! LOL Thanks for taking the time to blog! It's a great way to still feel connected to my friends, amongst our busy lives! How did people do it in the old days?! LOL


N Godown said...

I have not been able to see my friends blogs that are private. I think it's because it's "private" and READER isn't able to view those pages. I just click on their links on the sidebar of my blog. It's kind of a pain..but I haven't found anything else. You could also put them on your FAVORITES on windows! Have FUn!
Miss you guys!

The Frosts said...

Yep, you can't have private blog on any reader. Pain in the rear, but whatever!