Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bug Bite?

Friday was a crazy morning! Sophia woke up to her foot looking like this! Ok, I'm sure your thinking why did she just show me this (and in a large format to boot, YUCK!)I wouldn't thought much about it, until she wouldn't' walk on it and was really fussy. Since I had to volunteer at Boston's school that morning, Ben offered to take her to the Doctor. He left the house at 7:50, with no Dr. Appt. and returned at 8:50! I love our Pediatric Office. Unfortunately, her normal Dr. wasn't there, and the Nurse Practitioner said they were only bug bites. She said they have had a lot of kids come in with bug bites, due to recent humidity. I don't know if I buy it because I have never seen a bug bite like this before, and now it has spread up her leg. I'll be calling the Dr. in the morning. He is GREAT at calling me back and not discounting my concerns. I'll post if anything is different!

So I showed up to Volunteer for Boston's class, and she only had about and hour of work for me to do. Thirty minutes of it was copying (BOR-ING) and the other half was reading with about 10 students, individually. I had an hour before Boston's lunch, and so I headed to Karlee's(see places to shop) to pick up Julie's baby gift. It was this bag, with a diaper keeper and some matching burp cloths! Way cute! I ended up with one for myself by accident (a long, expensive accident) and so now I have a new YW bag! I then jetted back for Boston's lunch. He was so funny to watch. First he made sure he was the first to get his lunch. He sat by his "girlfriend", and when she spilt her milk everywhere, he was such a gentleman, cleaning up the whole thing himself (with me giving him a constant supply of paper towels). He didn't waste anytime eating his food, which was pizza, applesauce and baby carrots. He watched the clock closely, making sure he was done with his food the minute they could leave for the playground. He made sure he was walking just fast enough to the playground without having to sit against the wall for "running", but yet be the first one to the tether ball court. He asked me to watch him play a few games, which I was planning on anyway. He did very well, beating every one of the four kids I saw him play. He always talks about tether ball. Like I will say, "How was your day today?" and his response is always based on tether ball.."Oh, it was GREAT because I beat the hard kid today at tether ball", or "it was OK, so and so beat me today at tether ball." What a funny kid!
Later that afternoon, I took Aubrie to dance while Ben stayed home with the kids. After I dropped her off, I met Kayleen to get pedicures. I totally forgot her birthday last Sunday, and so I made it up to her by treating her. It was great to catch up and hang out! She followed me to Aubrie's studio and watched her for a few minutes and then left to catch up on homework. I stuck around and talked with the "dance" Mom's a bit. I have never been the one to sit around and talk it up at the studio. Either I'm watching Aubrie, or not there. But, now that our girls are in this dance group together, I figured I better get more "involved"! Ha!
After dance, Ben and I jetted over to Paradise Bakery to get a quick bite with the Trimble's before Connie Purtyman's birthday party. In the invite it said they would have some snacks, and we knew that wouldn't hold us over. It was fun, as always, catching up with them. It was actually nice enough to sit outside! When we showed up to the party, they were cooking up shish-kabob's and other sides! Snacks???? Ha! Actually, I enjoyed my salad and cookie, and I still had half a sandwich left over for my lunch the next day, so it was all good. We had a great time at the party. There were people from all of the three wards we have been in since we moved here. It was great catching up with them all! I just love our stake. Such amazing people, and so diversified!

After the party, we were going to go to Dramagenics (a great improv place in town) but those plans were postponed (can't wait Trimble's to laugh it up with you guys) and so we stopped by Michelle's and Marco's (some new fun friends in the ward) for some cards and speed scrabble. I was soooo tired, but for all who know me, know that I am not good at giving up fun times for sleep. Just ask the YW who went to camp and Havasupai with me, or Erin for the matter. When I got home I couldn't fall asleep and spent some time on the computer. Obviously, not blogging the evening! Saturday morning came way too quick.

Here is the Saturday rundown.
Julie's shower- Karlee's stuff was a hit!
Leave the shower early because one of Ben's restaurants (no he doesn't own a restaurant, just one he takes care of) had a fire that he had to take care of.
Caught the end of one of the local craft shows.
Came home and went to Chili's with the Lorenzona's. Let me give you a little visual of how this dinner went. We put 6 of our kids at one table by themselves; two 8 year olds, one 7 year old, one 61/2 year old, one 4 year old, and one 3 1/2 year old. The babies sat with us at our table. Considering the circumstances they did very good. I'm sure the couple behind them were not appreciating the loud games of I SPY, but I'm sure the quiet game was their favorite. The worst part was Sophia. She wanted nothing to do with the high chair, so Ben and I took turns walking around with her. Marco and Ben even switched the babies and that seemed to do the trick for awhile. It was way better than cooking, and the company was nice.

I came home and prepared my lesson. Probably the shortest prep time ever...about a half an hour. I had read over it this past week, and I had an attention activity that took up a lot of time. It was on reading your scriptures. I even had this great handout, thanks Erin, that Ben even used for his class. It was a great lesson, but my new Laurels don't comment like my old ones. I even told them that today! Ha!! I felt like I was talking to the wall most of the time. I hope I'm getting through to them!

Today we swam a little, and then took a short nap. I made a new dish for dinner, Spinach and Mushroom Manicotti. It was yummy! The kids weren't too thrilled about it, but Ethan was the only one who ended up not eating the "yucky stuff" (aka mushrooms and spinach). We put Ethan and Sophia down at 7:00 and the rest of us played CLUE!!! The kids love that game ( and so do I:) Now it's time to gear up for a new week!


Tamzen Fleming said...

Lee loved the picture of Sophia's foot! How's it doin?

pribyl said...

Oh ya! I bet he did! At least someone appreciated it! I'll post the news on my next entry!;)