Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another last milestone!

So, being the fourth kid, you might think that Sophia's milestones wouldn't be that big of deal. Right? It is actually quite the contrary. Yes, I may do things I wouldn't had dreamed of doing with Aubrie. Some examples might include; letting her eat something off the floor, giving her candy before lunch, letting her drink soda, or letting her have a bottle at 18 months! However, the milestones are a completely different category. Because she is my last, and I know she is my last, every time she does something my mind tells me, "Rachel! This is the last time your going to have a child walk for the first time, or roll over for the first time, etc..."
Today was the end of a 18 month countdown to Church Nursery, something we have been anxiously keeping track of since Sophia was about 8 months old! Finally, no more walking in the halls after our little monkey. We finally have earned the right to drop her off into someone else's hands for two hours, while we peacefully enjoy two hours of church. Sounds great, huh? Well, I have to admit that while there were some great perks to that , a part of me was checking on her every 10 to 15 minutes to make sure all was well. I felt so empty handed. It was such a weird feeling to sit there in class, with nothing to occupy me but the lesson. I didn't have a distraction as an excuse for not hearing questions, and no reason to leave if I felt so inclined. I also realized how much socializing, and exercise (lol), I got accomplished in the halls. But, mainly, I just missed her! I also realized, as I was analyzying my sad (crazy) feelings of dropping her off (with the other kids, I was trying to sneak them in early) that I typically was pregnant, or had just had a newborn, when I put our other's in the nursery. ( Was that a long enough sentence?) So I was putting one in, knowing I had another or soon would have one, to be chasing. So I was enjoying the short reprieve! But today was it! No more future kiddos were coming into my life for me to chase! I then realized that today not only marked her milestone, but also permanently ended, yet, another season of my life. ( I guess I have my future grandchildren to chase one day, when I'm the most awesome grandma and watch my grand babies for my children as they are gone away on weekend get aways!) So call me weird or crazy for having a hard time today, but I did! My last is growing fast and I can't do anything about it, except try to enjoy every minute of her and all my other kids.

PS Can you tell my favorite conference talk was about making the most of today, instead of piling up a bunch of tomorrows!:)


Les said...

I totally hear you on that one. I'm the same way with Cooper. Everything is different with your last one. Although, I have to say, I don't think I'll be one bit sad to say goodbye to diapers...someday. It's been so many years now, I can't imagine what it will be like without a baby. I'd better stop before I start crying! :)

Michelle said...

I can't get over how big Sophia is, we haven't seen you guys in a while. Ryden is growing way too fast also. The girls sneak one of his blankeys to bed with them to snuggle with and smell his sweet baby smell, soon that will be gone! I find myself much more patient with him underfoot because I know he'll soon be running the other way with the pack.

N Godown said...

I totally agree with you on that one. Scott & I are going back & forth about being makes me kinda sad to think of Mack as our last. And I loved that conference talk. I look back on pictures of the boys when they were babies, and sometimes I don't remember when they were that small. It goes my so fast!

mmhunter said...

amen sister.

Erin said...

I hear you about not having anything but the lesson during Sunday School! :)

Tamzen Fleming said...

That's exactly how I feel everytime Graham reaches a milestone! It's not always easy on us moms! I also really liked that talk and really needed to hear it right now!

Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

I know exactly what you are saying. Poor Jake, I cry for Ryan starting anything new and cry for Kade ending anything new. But I cheer when Jake does!