Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Man Bag, Ties, Twinkles, 875 miles and Rock Band

I know that my titles are a bit much, but that is how I like it. I realize that there are already photos out there and there is no sense in denying it. Ethan has a man bag! I am doing all that I can to persuade him to upgrade to anything else. I must admit that when I reluctantly peered into the aforementioned bag I was mildly impressed with his organizational skills. There was a place for his phone, his chap stick, wallet, etc. I am still doing whatever I can to get that away from him. I believe that a few more public shamings and it will be all good!
The other pain in my life right now is Sophia and her affinity for my ties. She loves to go into our closet and pull my ties off the rack and then parade in them throughout the house. I can rarely find the tie that I want since they are all over the house. It is cute to see her walking around the house saying something to all of us with a tie wrapped around her.
Rachel is slowly ruining our children (most likely for the better). The other day I was making another Wal Mart run and came across an illuminated end cap filled with Twinkies, cupcakes and other of Hostesses greatest hits. I began to reminisce about the fun-filled days that I had with the yellow sponge cake with the cream filling. I almost shed a tear. I decided to buy a box and bring it home to surprised the kids. Aubrie is always watching the pantry because she knows that dad likes to break the rules and bring home various contraband now and again. She spotted the Twinkies and said, "dad, what are twinkles?" Are you freaking kidding me? TWINKLES?! I got the box down and started to hand them to the kids. They looked at me and told me that Twinkies can kill you and that they are not good for you. WHAT!? It took some persuading but I was able to tempt them into a bite. Once they had a bite they were hooked. I am evil! I think the kids now know that when it comes to sweets Dad is the bomb diggity. Rachel does a great job with teaching the kids to eat healthy, but TWINKLES? Come on!
I left Sunday night to go to California to visit Rachel's brother. He was doing some work that I have not yet done and it was to be great training for me so that I can replicate the work here. I left just before 7:00 p.m. Luckily I was able to get a good nap in before I left. I did not want to leave Rachel and the kids, but sometimes we don't get everything that we want. I actually did not mind the trip. I was able to chill for 6 hours as I drove across the desert. It allows me to reflect back on where things currently stand and I things that I can improve upon. I could probably use a cross-country trip to address everything. I rolled into Rachel's brothers house at 1:00 a.m. At 3:00 a.m. Jessie, the beagle that we gave them a couple of years ago, must have found a rabbit in the backyard and started barking like crazy. That did not help me sleep for sure. I got up at 7:00 a.m. and got ready for the day. Danny and I headed up to Thousand Oaks to where the restaurant was located. It was a Japanese sushi restaurant. We needed to upgrade one system and replace another. It was hard, dirty work. It took us a little over 5 hours to get things done. Around 4:30 p.m. I headed back to Phoenix. Unfortunately for me 5:00 p.m. in Los Angeles does not make for fast travel. It took me almost 3 hours to get to palm springs. Luckily there were some fast drivers from Indio all the way back home. I got back home around 11:20 p.m. Rachel was nice enough to wait up for me. She has been feeling really tired lately and also caught some cold that is going around right now. I got her into bed with the intention of getting some work done, but eventually I fell asleep as well.
Tonight for family night we broke out the Rock Band set and went to town. It was great fun. Boston was built for that game. He took over on lead vocals while Rachel jammed on the guitar and Aubrie pounded the drums. I was on the video camera and Ethan did some kind of interpretive dance (it had nothing to do whatsoever with his man bag!). It was a lot of fun for me to watch the family all together. I bought another guitar tonight at Wal Mart so that we could all jam together. I sure love my family a great deal and need to do a better job in showing that by how I act and the things that I say. I am grateful that Rachel and the kids are patient with me. Work continues and I have decided that it is not as bad as I have thought these past 2 and a half years. The money is good and the work is required to be done. That being said, it still requires a lot of work, but I don't mind that. There are a lot of businesses that are not making it right now and a lot of families in trouble. I am very grateful and can see the Lord's hand in helping us get into this profession and stay in it. I am tired. It is past 11:00 p.m. and I still have to watch house. Rachel is tooling around upstairs so I had better head up. Another long day tomorrow.


Suzee said...

Hmmm...Jim's favorite would be Ding Dongs. You guys and your creme filled cakes. Well, somebody has to teach those kids of yours about the finer things in life! Way to go. Oh, and could you maybe talk to Jim and convince him that we need to buy a wii so we can get rock band? Tell him what great family bonding it would be and how it will bring us closer as a family etc... He's just not as much fun as me!