Sunday, October 26, 2008

Party! Party!

Why would three grown men be putting on lipstick? Here's why!
So when the Lorenzana's told us about their cool Halloween parties they had back east, and I told them how much I missed the ones our friends from NC, the Kneelands, threw, a party was soon in the works. They hosted it at their house and did most of the work. I just considered myself party support! It was a great mixer for the new ward!
We started off with a little food. We had soups for the main course. I made my yummy broccoli cheese (thanks Holly for giving me that recipe years ago), and Michelle's Mom made my baked potato soup. Michelle made a yummy chicken tortilla (that was my lunch today) and had made some extra desserts and appetizers, just in case. The guests brought desserts and appetizers, too, according to their last name. We had plenty of food!!!! (Monique, I need that dessert recipe for Thanksgiving by the way!!!) After eating, we took off on a picture scavenger hunt. Can you guess that getting a picture, of the guys putting on lipstick, was one of the items?? We were paired with the Kostenza's (sp?)(another new couple in the ward) and the Jensen's!! We had a fun time driving around, like mad people, trying to knock things off our list. We didn't win, but still had a fun time. We came back and a few played rock band, and then we watched every one's pictures and gave prizes for most original costume and funniest! Everyone did a great job with their costumes! Here are the pics of some of the costumes and few from "the hunt"!! Good times!
Our team members!!

Our team in Arizona paraphernalia

Our team jumping on a trampoline! Our team getting a picture with a Walmart Employee! She was having fun with it!

Our costume!

We were "the Jeff's" polygamist family! It was Ben's idea (surprise)! Marco had fun with it. He was the "Head Matriarch", I was the middle aged wife and Michelle was the young one. We called our selves wife 27, and wife 80-something!! Our name tags all said "Sister Jeff's". Some people dared us (Michelle and I), for money and dinners, to wear our costumes to church. If there wasn't the primary program today, I totally would have done it! We actually won funniest, but we forgot to tell them they couldn't vote for the host! We forfeited and gave the prize to the next winner!

Funniest Costume

Most Original

This was seriously the most original!! If you can't read the sign around their necks, he was Lehman Bros, and she was the Bailout Plan!! Classic!

One's my kids liked! The couldn't wait to see the pics!

Hunchback...if you couldn't figure it out!

This one is for my Dad!! AAADRIIIIAAAN!!

The one I thought was the funniest!
This guy came as his friend, who once upon a time worked at checker auto many years ago, and had a mullet! BTW his friend is the one who came as the Hulk!!
His wife came as a SW Airlines Mechanic! She had on an orginal jumpsuit!


mmhunter said...

my goodness you've been busy with the blogging! thanks for helping with the was a blast! and please tell ben i still owe him for getting my "last minute ingredients!"

Suzee said...

That is hysterical! I love the "Jeffs" family costumes. Very original and creative. Ben rocks! Can he come up with clever idea for Jim and I? lol

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny! I loved the Jeffs idea. All the costumes are great, what fun friends you have!