Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week in Review

Week in Review (AKA...LONG ENTRY)

So I stuck with it and went Hiking M, W, F! Friday was the hardest. My body didn't want to get out of bed, I was glad I did. The company is great, and I need the exercise. Getting up early is actually rejuvenating, although I'm dead by 2:00pm!!
Tuesday was Aubrie's Honor's Assembly. She was all giddy when she got up to accept her award, because Zachary Montez was there, too, and she always gets that way around him. Wednesday I had some Visiting Teaching to catch up on. Originally, I thought I would take the kids, but as it got closer, I realized that probably wasn't the best idea. Thanks ,Erin, for watching them last minute! It's so great to have good friends! Wednesday night was mutual and a meeting afterwards, so it was a long day!
Thursday Lorraine picked up Ethan for a day out with Grandma. She took him to Pump it Up, McDonalds, and then back to her house. I thought I had a lot to get done that day, but when I realized I was mostly caught up by the time Sophia woke up, I made an impromptu trip, with Michelle, to Hobby Lobby! Can I just say that place it AWESOME!!! First of all, I grew up with a Hobby Lobby close by, when I lived in Oklahoma. They were a dime a dozen out there. For some reason I don't remember them having so much cool stuff. Probably because I was a kid, and had not interest in decorating a house. Anyway, I found some great stuff for a great price and created some more "hanging" projects for Ben. One of his least favorite things!

Somewhere, in my week, I went to Paradise Bakery. I only mention it because Sophia was with me, and out of all things, ate my crumbly blue cheese salad. How weird is that? She wouldn't eat the cookies, but she would eat that! There is no figuring out that girl!
Friday we didn't have date night, because of the Halloween party on Saturday. We took the kids to Red Robin and to Best Buy (see prior post). We had a fun time. They came home and played their new games, and Ben and I relaxed on the couch, preparing for a busy Saturday.

Saturday morning started early with a 8:00 am baseball game. The kids hit really well, and Aubrie played first base and Boston was the catcher. Boston was killing me! He would not move from his spot, when he was catching. If the ball went past him, he would just let the umpire get it! Aubrie was all over first base. She hadsome awesome plays! Once, she got the ball and tagged the base, for an out, and then got knocked over by the boy running there. They still let him stay on base, even though they called him out. Coach pitch is weird that way. She was pretty upset about it, because she got pretty banged up from it. The second time he was up to bat, she got the ball and tagged the base and pointed at the boy, and yelled "YOUR OUT!" She was proud of herself. The rest of the game was entertaining, too. Aubrie's friend, Grace, was the "pitcher" and she was chasing players down with the ball, as they were coming towards home. She was giving us all a good laugh.

After the game, the kids had practice at the Church for the primary program. Ben picked Ethan up early for his 12:00 game. When I went to pick up A & B, all the kids were outside running around in the sprinklers. They were all in their church clothes, because the practice was in the chapel. I wasn't too happy that Boston's leather shoes were soaking wet! The Presidency kept apologizing to me. I guess they are a little intimidated after I got a little upset with them for yanking Boston out of class for NOTHING the other week. Oh well! Anyway, I was over the sprinkler thing fast, (like I get over most things quickly) and spent some time talking with a good friend. Aubrie went home with her daughter for the day, and Boston came home with me. When I got home I put Sophia down, so it was just Boston and I. I got some things cleaned up around the house, and then I made the soup for the Halloween party. It was a busy, but productive day! The Halloween party was a blast. I'll make it it's own post. My was throat was feeling a little sore towards the end, and I knew that wasn't a good sign.

This morning I didn't want to get out of bed because I felt so lousy, but it was the Primary Program. Aubrie and Boston did well. They were singing all the songs and I could hear Aubrie's voice above the others. They also said their parts loud and clear! Aubrie was looking at Zarchary the whole time she said hers (also brought to my attention by someone else LOL) Ethan, on the other hand, just sat there the whole time. He wouldn't do his part, and he only sang bits and pieces of a few songs. He would do random things, like hit his head over and over, or pull himself forward and back on the wall. One of my YW said she was getting a kick out of watching him. Glad he entertained in some fashion. Sophia woke up sick today, too. So she was miserable at church, and she wanted to go up on the stand with the kids. So Ben and my Mom took turns with her in the hall. My Mom took her home after Sacrament.

Ben's lesson was really good today. It is every week. The spirit is always so strong in that room, and most of the women come out crying like babies. Unfortunately I'm not a pretty crier, so those who don't know me very well think there is something wrong. My good friends know I'm just the "spirit barometer!"

Today, I took a good nap and so did Ben. While Ben was napping, the kids decided they wanted to do service and pick up trash on our street. They put on my rubber kitchen gloves (that I never wear and have no idea where they came from) and went up and down the street. Their main objective was cigarette butts. It gave me a chance to talk to them about the Word of Wisdom and serving, too! I was happy they wanted to clean up the street. After our walk, Ben woke up and headed off to California. He is there to watch my brother do a installation, that he needs to learn for his business. The kids were great helpers, getting the house ready for the night. Aubrie bathed and put Sophia down, Ethan cleaned upstairs, and Boston emptied the dishwasher and picked up the downstairs. I need to look back on things like this when they are driving me insane. Now I'm here, typing, and Aubrie is asleep next to me, one thing she gets to look forward to when Ben is gone. It reminds me of when my own Dad would travel and I would sleep with my Mom. Things have come full circle! Red Robin Pics!

Sophia enjoying some cantaloupe. They messed up Boston's order and gave him some....good thing! Ethan getting serious about coloring! Boston and his corn dog! I looked over and found Boston scratching Sophia's back! I don't even think he realized he was doing it. He is just affectionate by nature. I LOVE that about him! He loves Sophia so much, and I know he is going to be a good protective big brother!