Friday, October 24, 2008

Take Comfort, and be Grateful!

This one goes out to all my friends with strong willed know who you are!

As I sat here thinking about how I must have the most strong willed girls of the century, my thoughts are returned to the words I once heard a general authority say. It was something along the lines of how the Lord will save his strongest spirits for the latter-days. They will have to be strong spirits, to be unwavering when temptation constantly swirls around them. Though I have often thought of those words at my times of frustration, and tried to find peace through them, today I take much comfort in them. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, because I like to look forward to the future with hope in knowing that with perilous times, also comes the promise that our Savior's coming is even closer. However, with the deterioration of values that is encompassing our world, I realized how lucky I am to have these strong girls. As I was writing in their journals today (no I don't blog everything), and writing about how "spicey" they were, I felt a calming feeling, and the spirit's sweet whispering saying, "Rachel, take great comfort and be grateful that your Heavenly Father has entrusted you with these strong spirits. He knew you would raise them in righteousness, and that these strong girls will be able to stand strong to the temptations of this world, not cowering to the ways of the world, but staying true to the ways of God, in which they will be taught" (Ok a little pressure there, huh? ) That then brought my mind to a recent quote from a message in the Ensign, that I first read several years ago, from a General YW conference. Margaret D. Nadauld, former Young Women general president: “Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. … We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith”
So next time Sophia unrelentingly persists to get in the bathroom sink, or Aubrie won't give up her plea to something she feels is right, even if she isn't, I will take comfort (as should all of you) that they are the "Army of Heleman" in training. So I better make sure I instruct them well!


Erin said...

Thanks for that! (yes, I know who I am!)

mmhunter said...

that is the exact quote i was referring to in my blog on sunday! love it! and listen to you insightful my friend!

Tamzen Fleming said...

Kids these days are amazing. You are a good mom!