Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You cleaned?

Don't you just love when you spend your whole day cleaning, and when your done, your house doesn't look much different than when you started. Well, of course you notice the difference, but any stranger, child, or husband, for that matter, doesn't. Today was one of those days. After dropping Ethan off, I made a quick run to Walmart. The kids passed off the second paragraph of the Family Proclamation, and so I had to go get their reward, a six pack of their favorite soda. ( The first paragraph was their favorite cereal). I know what your thinking..."your bribing them to memorize that?" Well OF COURSE!!! Anyway, I walked out of Walmart at 10:00 am with two 12 packs of soda (they were a better deal) and a cart full of things that I didn't intend to buy. So I decided I better stay home the rest of the day before I spent any more money.

My first agenda was my car. It was getting embarrassing! Ben came home, for a few things, while I was cleaning it out. I was thinking, "see babe, I work hard around here!" LOL After that, I cleaned downstairs, organized the pantry and fridge, and then worked on upstairs. It's amazing how little things add up and all the sudden your house is cluttered. That is one of the things that stresses me out when the kids get home from school. Backpacks, folder, lunchboxes, shoes, socks, etc...suddenly cluttering my house, that I spend all morning picking up. I can't handle the clutter. Weird thing is that I can handle it anywhere else, except in my house. Ok, I'm getting off on a tangent here. Anyway, after all the decluttering today, I felt much better, even though I know no one else noticed. It also felt great to dive my clean car tonight, when I finally left the house for Young Women's.

In other news...the kids are having a great week. Actually, Aubrie had some girl drama at dance on Monday, but I have a feeling that will happen a lot. Those girls spend at least four hours a week together, so fighting is bound to happen. Ethan had his second T-ball practice, and was much more obedient. I told Ethan that Dad would call Mom if he wasn't a good listener and I would come pick him up early (Ben's is the coach). Guess that strategy worked. Tuesday was Aubrie's last Cheerleading class. They did a little presentation for the parents. They did a handful of cheers and then each girl did something with a partner or on her own. Aubrie did a cartwheel. I asked her why she didn't group with another girl (all worried that she couldn't find a partner), and she said, "because I just wanted to do my own thing." That made me feel better. Boston is plugging right along in school, and enjoying himself. He makes me laugh at what makes a day good or bad. On Monday he said he had a bad day because he missed a word on his spelling test. Funny kid. Sophia is getting quite demanding when we get in the car, lately. As soon as I buckle her she points to the DVD screen and says "moov". I have given up on fighting her. I can't really rationalize with a 18 month old. Ethan is definitely not complaining! He has never been a fan of the "we have to be in the car for at least 30 minutes to get a movie" rule.

One last thing. Today while I was cleaning upstairs, I changed Sophia's diaper and threw it downstairs. About 30 minutes later I realized I hadn't heard Sophia in awhile. I looked downstairs and called for her, and then see her with an pudding pack container that was in the trash. She had pudding all over her hands and mouth. Ugh! I quickly cleaned her up (not before she grabbed my pants with her pudding hands) , and rinsed out the container before I threw it away, for the second time! When I went to throw it away I noticed her diaper was in the trash. So she was smart enough to see her diaper on the floor and throw it away, and that's when she saw the container. I was finding pudding around the house the rest of the day. Ugh! We need to get our carpets cleaned anyway!


mmhunter said...

tell me about it! a clean house is the best!

Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

I love when my house is clean. But as soon as the boys come home my beautiful house turns into a cluttered mess! Ahhhhhh!

Tamzen Fleming said...

I was worried that you were going to say that you found pulled apart diaper everywhere!;)