Sunday, September 6, 2009

A "Wicked" time!

I LOVE the play, Wicked! The first time I ever heard of it was from my friend Holly. She told me it was the best play she had ever seen, and from then on I was obsessed with seeing it. Ben surprised me 2 Christmas years ago, and took me to the Pantages theatre, in Los Angeles, to see it. I loved it so much, I rallied a girls trip to see it a month later.
I LOVE the music. It is amazing. Because of that, my kids quickly learned the songs as that was the only thing I listened to for weeks. Then the kids started asking if they could see this play that they knew all the songs to, but had no idea what it was about. Luckily, Wicked came to Phoenix! It also, conveniently came a few days before my Mom's birthday. I bought tickets for the whole family, minus Sophia. It was a surprise for everyone, but Ben. I just told my Mom to mark her calendar for July 24, for her birthday surprise. The evening of the play we told the kids to dress nice for Grandma's surprise. They begged and pleaded to know what it was, but I wouldn't give them a clue. I did tell them that they had to all wear green. We then headed out and ended up at AH-SO for dinner. They were so excited, since it's one of their favorites! The thought that was the surprise. Hee, hee!
My Mom and Aubrie at AH-SO!
The Boys!

Things were going a little slow there that night, and they could tell I was anxious we would miss something. So they quickly found out there was something else. As we left the restaurant, we started playing the soundtrack in the background! As we headed down the 17, Boston guessed it was Castles and Coasters. I had to laugh, since we were all dressed up so nice. Then Aubrie thought it was the State Fair. Then as we passed that, they thought we were going to a Suns game. After we passed the Stadiums they were clueless. As we approached the theatre, they started guessing what could be going on in there. Boston saw a marque for Wicked, and he said, "We are going to see Wicked!" We just pretended not to hear him, amongst all the other guesses. When we got to the entrance, I handed everyone their tickets. When they looked down they were all so excited. My Mom was the most excited. She yelled, and I thought she was going to lift off the ground for a second! Apparently she had seen a daytime show that talked about the play, that made her really want to see it. I'm glad she liked her gift! :)
The kids enjoyed the show. The boys asked a lot of questions. Aubrie sang along with the songs. I had to hush her a few times. The people in front were surprised she knew the music so well. The kids loved the play, but crashed hard on the way home! My Mom loved it! I'm gad they got to see it! I'm glad I got to see it!

Ethan, minutes before he fell asleep!


Nicole said...

I love surprises!! And I love WICKED!!! NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!!