Sunday, October 18, 2009

Out sick

This week I got a lot of extra quality time with Boston. Boston came down with the flu, which kept him out of school for 3 days. The flu has been VERY bad this year, taking record numbers out of school, for several days. Aubrie's class had 17 kids absent in her class over a week ago. Boston got the worst of it, which is unusual. Out of all my kids, Boston hardly ever gets sick! He does get stomach aches, but never the flu. Since Columbus Day was on Monday, it was almost a full week off for him. He started coming down with something on Columbus day. We got lunch at Red Robin, and he didn't have a very big appetite. Then when we were at the movie (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs), he kept complaining that he didn't feel well, and kept laying on my lap. As soon as we got home he went and took a nap (something he NEVER does). He had a constant temperature and no appetite until Thursday morning. A few times, to get his temperature to come down, I had him dip in the pool. He thought that was cool (literally!). I kept him busy with workbooks, make up work, movies, and I made him take naps when Sophia did. He was really good about that. It was nice to have quality one on one time with him, but by the end of the week I was feeling bad that he wasn't feeling better. I was happy, and so was he, when he got to go back to school on Friday. I volunteered on Friday, in Aubrie's class, and checked on him during his recess time. He was outside playing soccer and having a good time. I'm sure he was glad to be back playing with his friends!