Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben!

Today was Ben's birthday! His Birthday has a double significance for me. It marks the day that my Husband was born, and the day that our story began! Fourteen years ago, he got his first birthday gift from me; A bouquet of flowers. I was going to be gone for Thanksgiving (also his Birthday that year) , so I gave my friends some money and told them to get him some flower. I guess that made an impression on him, because we were engaged the day after I got back!

His birthday started off with Aubrie giving him some Swedish Fish, and Gum. Today I made his Favorite dinner, Italian Chicken, and his favorite cake; Lemon cake, with orange flavored cream cheese frosting. I pulled Aubrie out of dance early, so we could enjoy a longer evening with the kids. After dinner, we sang, had cake and then he opened his gifts! After cleaning up, we all went hot tubing till bedtime! Sophia had so much fun singing happy birthday to him. She kept singing to him all night. Happy Birthday sweetheart! We LOVE YOU!!
A little help with the candles!
Ethan ran upstairs, after Karate, and came down with a small package for Ben. In it was a bouncy ball, toy laser pointer, and magnets. What a sweetheart, parting of his treasures! (Below...Ben trying out the laser pointer)

Ethan and Boston got Ben a new candy thermometer (for his awesome Carmel corn). Aubrie and Boston had a fun time wrapping it up in tonz of bags and tissue paper. They love playing jokes!

What a great smile! Something I fell in love with 14 years ago!
Ben's gift from me! He asked me to pick out an animal head, for his golf club, that I thought best represented him. I picked out the zebra because no two are alike, and there is no one like Ben!!! It also doubles for a puppet! Sophia thought it was, anyway.