Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daisies not Sunflowers

So this past Saturday I can hear Ben on the phone saying things like, "Her favorite color?", "Her favorite food?..hmmm" I figured I was getting spotlighted or something, but I didn't' think it was for Young Woman's, because they already spotlighted me. So I get to church on Sunday, and it was time for the spotlight. The first things she said could be about anyone...She likes Twilight. She likes Disneyland. Then she says, "her husband thinks her favorite color is yellow, because when I asked him her favorite color he said, 'Sunflowers, she likes Sunflower's". favorite color is yellow, but my favorite flower is a daisy! These Sunflowers are beautiful though, so I might be changing my mind! Later she told me she wanted to get me my favorite food, but Ben said I like a slab of steak and he didn't' know my favorite candy. He also told her I used to play Tennis, and can't wait to start up again. What I told him was that I want to start tennis! So, Ben, here is a cheat sheet for next time. No, really, Ben is great, and is always doing thoughtful things for me. Sometimes he just forgets the details. This is mainly for my kids to know what their Mom liked when I'm too old to remember! At least I got these beautiful Sunflowers out of the deal!
Food: Mexican (right now...Cafe Rio)
Drink: Water and Milk
Candy: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Peanut Butter M&M's
Dessert: Skinny Cows
Ice Cream: Mint Chip
Music: Cold Play & 80's
Favorite Book: Work and the Glory Series, and Twilight Series
Favorite TV Shows: House and Lie to Me
Favorite Movie: Overboard & Count of Monte Cristo
Favorite Church Song: I Stand All Amazed
Favorite Temple: Salt Lake City
Favorite trait in People: Honesty
Least Favorite: Manipulating
Enjoy: reading, journaling, taking pictures of my kids, traveling, texting, facebooking, blogging, organizing, amusement parks, keeping in touch with old friends, spending time with good friends, shopping, playing volleyball, exercising (wishes I had more time to do more), going on date nights with my husband, watching my kids soccer games, spending time with kids, a comfortable pair of jeans, a good hair day, a good nights rest, a card from a friend, helping out friends, seeing the fruits of my hard work, seeing my kids make good choices and developing their talents, singing in the car, dancing when no one is looking, a night out with girlfriends......oh, and the color yellow and daisies!!:)


Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

Very funny, at least he got some right!

Be Thou Humble said...

Good things to know about my dear sweet visiting teacher!!! We have some things in common!!! (I love Reeses and Peanut Butter M&M's as well!)