Wednesday, November 18, 2009


What's the deal with this picture? Well if you go to my eighth post, EVER, it's named, "13". That's how many "buddies" Boston had on his bed. I think it got up to 20 at one point! When I got these new comforters, he decided that he no longer wanted his buddies, because it would be much easier to make his bed without them. Also, he was turning 8 and didn't need them anymore. Ethan quickly followed suite! It was a bitter sweet day for Mom! I Hate stuffed animals, but was sad to see him grow out of, yet, another boyish thing! Why doesn't she do this at church?? I had to take a picture, though. She never sleeps like this, anywhere!!! She slept through our whole dinner, but woke up just in time for the ice cream!

The other day, I'm walking with Ethan in the Walmart parking lot, and he sees a car that looks like our Navigator, and he says, "Look, there is Dad!" I told him that it wasn't, because the driver was a girl. Then the conversation went like this.
Ethan: "Did you know that most of the girls come here?"
Mom: "Oh, yeah?"
Ethan: "But not the boys, because they don't like to shop a lot. (short pause) They like to watch sports"