Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boston's First Pack Meeting

Boston had his first pack meeting last night. While I was upstairs, watching him put on his uniform, I started to get teary. I'm always overly sensitive when it comes to watching my babies hit milestones. As he was putting on each piece of his uniform, I kept flashing back to times when he was little, and thinking how fast he has grown and how proud I am to be his Mother. Then in the middle of me bawling, Boston looks over and says, "Mom! Are you crying?" I couldn't deny it, and then he asked why. I told him it was because he was growing up too fast! He said, "I knew that's what you were going to say!" At least he knows me. These shots are way blurry because I couldn't get him to sit still for a second he was so excited, and the person taking the shots with me in them....well....they were trying their best and I am grateful for them!

Boston got his Bobcat badge.
I was busy trying to get this pic, and didn't realize they were calling me up. I didn't know anything about the Mother's pins! LOL Boston did good!
Didn't poke me at all! It was weird to get the pin! That's stuff old Mom's get!