Friday, December 11, 2009

Nonstop weekend!

Ok, I can tell the Holidays are here, because time is getting away from me! I seriously refreshed my blogpage 3 times, because I couldn't believe that my last post was Thanksgiving! The week after Thanksgiving was packed with Christmas shopping, play rehearsal's (I'll get to that later) preparing for my Dad's arrival, getting ready for Boston's baptism, our Christmas Party, a piano recital, and every other normal activity that is on my weekly calendar .The real craziness started Friday. My Dad came in at 11:00, and then the weekend was a blur. I even got myself a clipboard and put ANYTHING I needed to remember on it, including a running "to do" list. By the time I got home from picking my Dad up from the airport, I was exhausted from a night of limited sleep, and an early morning work out. So I crashed with Sophia, in her room, until the kids got home from school. I think that threw me off a little, because I forgot all about Aubrie's MANDATORY dance practice that night. We just rushed off to dinner, and I didn't remember it till we were on our way home that night and we passed the dance studio. That kind of rattled me, wondering what else I might forget.
So back to our evening.....We all went to Fuddruckers, one of the kids favorite stops. It's the video games and vending machines that suck them in, and suck our wallets dry, too!
After dinner, the kids wanted to go to the mall to see the puppies. We had a great time there. The kids took us to Tilly's and the Van's store to show us things they liked. Luckily, I keep my camera on me, so I snapped some pictures so I could remember. Here are a few things they picked out. I only post them so my kids can look back at the styles the like! I'm sure they'll laugh, just like we did, and then they'll come back again when they have kids!
Ethan's Choice
Bostons's Choice ("To go with those grey skinny pants I want Mom!")
Boston's Choice
Aubrie's Choice

Boston's Choice
Seriously, the purple shoes are Boston's choice. Ben was rolling his eyes and dying, and then I reminded him of his pink golf shirt!
The kids found some wallets at the Vans store, that looked like Aubrie's "shoe pick", but different colors. I was thinking they would be a GREAT stocking stuffer (did I mention how much I hate stockings?). The next thing I know Ethan comes around the corner with a new wallet. That's what happens when I sneak away to the Calendar booth for just a minute! Of course, the other kids were trying not to complain, but I could see the look of "that's not fair" in their eyes! Ben let Ethan keep the change, and so he gave Boston and Aubrie the same amount Ethan got, and off they went to buy their wallets, and I was out of yet another idea for their stockings!!!!
After the shopping, and on our way out of the mall, Boston saw the pretzel shop. He asked, and we told him he had extra money, and he could buy it if he wanted. Aubrie realized that she wanted one too, so their money was gone before we were out the door. It was good for them to see how much that pretzel cost them, since I'm always buying them at the outlet mall. Maybe they'll appreciate it a bit more next time! On the way out to the parking lot, we met up with Ben and Ethan, who had taken a potty break. Ethan saw the pretzel and of course wanted one. He couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to spend his money or not, and than Boston said, "Don't worry about it Ethan, I'll share mine with you!" Ok, that was a proud Mommy moment because it's one thing to share your pretzel that Mom bought for you, but another to share the one you just spent the rest of your money on!
On the way home, (and after my panic attack at realizing I had forgotten about dance!) we stopped at this one house for Christmas lights. We stop their every year, and I'm thinking right now that it's time I get a picture of the place! It's so decked out I can't even begin to describe it, so look for a posting of it later! After that stop, it was movie time for the kids, and time for Mom to prepare her talk for the baptism! Yep, you heard me right! They asked me to give the talk on Baptism, on Thursday!!! I was glad to to it, but wondering if there was anything else I could seriously add to my plate for Saturday! LOL