Friday, December 11, 2009

Recital, Baptism, Party and more

So like I said, Boston's Baptism day was packed with a lot of activities. Because of that, I will post a separate detailed account of his baptism, with his pictures. This is just a run down of Saturday and Sunday!
Saturday morning we woke up early, to be early birds at Crackerbarrel. We planned it just right, because we walked right in with a party of 9, and 1o minutes later the place was packed. The kids had fun looking around the shop, playing checkers, and sitting by the fire while they waited for food. I even found a cool Christmas gift for my Mom while we were there.
After a nice breakfast, we rushed home to get ready and clean the house for our party that night. Ben was so great getting everything picked up and vacuumed while I got ready and the kids ready for their piano recital.
The piano recital was at 11:00, at a retirement center close by. It's the one we have gone to every year. Boston had "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" and "Angels We Have Heard on High". Aubrie had "Joy to the World", and "Hark the Harold Angels Sing." They got their music just a week and a half before the recital. I was proud how hard they worked on them. Aubrie had to work really hard. "Joy to the World" had 3 note chords in the bottom hand, and it was tough for me, even. They loved playing them once they got them down, and we dedicated time during our FHE, the Monday before, to put on a mini-recital. Boston did very well at the recital. He always does one duet with his teacher. This year it was "Angel's We Have Heard on High". It sounded really good. Aubrie did great, too, until she got to the very end of "Joy to the World". She missed a note, and lost her place. I was right by the piano taking pictures, and I could see the panic in her eyes, and I knew she was going to start crying. I prayed she could get through it, but embarrassment overtook her, and she started to break down. I felt so bad for her, and wanted to rush and give her a hug and help her. The teacher tried to help her through the last few notes, and then when she was done she quickly walked away crying. Luckily we had to leave right after to get ready for the Baptism, so she didn't have to be around everyone. I told her that sometimes you just get stage fright, but that she had that song down perfectly, and I knew she was a great piano player! She seemed to be over it quickly, but was excited when she found out her second recital was cancelled!
Boston and his VERY pregnant teacher. She actually had her baby today, therefore the cancelled recital!
After the piano recital, we rushed home to get ready for the baptism. When we got home, I curled my hair, and then realized we had a lot of time before the baptism. Boy's are so much easier in that regard. For Aubrie's, I had to have time to curl her hair. We pulled Boston from outside about 30 minutes before, threw his suit on him and headed off. His baptism was great! You'll hear more about it later.
After the baptism, we came home and got ready for our annual Christmas party. Every year it seems to get bigger and bigger. It's always hard to know where to make the cut off for the invite list. I wish I had a HUGE family room, so I could accommodate everyone! I find myself making excuses as to why people couldn't come anyway, to make me feel better. "Oh, I know they couldn't make it anyway, or "Don't know how they would feel about the gift exchange". I know I shouldn't worry about those type of things, but I just do. I don't every want anyone to feel left out. I think that's why I jumped at the offer Ben made last year to be in charge of the inviting. Of course, I then missed people, so I took it over again!
There wasn't really much preparing to do. After a couple years of throwing it, we decided that it was easier and actually quite affordable to do Olive Garden take out. People were nice enough to bring desserts and a few appetizers, and Sparkling Cider. Because I just keep inviting, we ended up with a PACKED house and family room for the gift exchange. The more the merrier, though! It was a blast. Trina even happned to have flown in that weekend, so she got to be there. It was great to see her, and made me miss her even more! The gift exchange was fun. There were a few funny, and questionable gifts, that kept us all laughing or cringing! Some friends from last year, brought their gift they got last year, as a joke. It was a gift no one wanted, and so Ben and I decided that it would be the "golden gift" from now on. Whoever unwraps it gets to pick whatever they want at the end. Everyone seemed to like that idea. It was just chance that Ben got it this year!
This was probably the LEAST embarrasing picture I could post from the party. Doesn't he look great in the scarf and handbag? LOL
The last of our guests left around 10, and Ben and I had everything cleaned up within a half hour. I fell into bed, around 11:00.
Sunday was just a normal day...busy! Sophia was great enough to cooperate and sit in the pew the whole time. During second hour, they needed help in the nursery. Being in there brought back fond memories when I was nursery leader. It made me think how we are in our callings at a certain time, for a reason. The nursery was great for me then, and YW is perfect for me now! I remember missing my nursery kids when I had to go to RS for Visiting Teaching conferences, and I can't imagine being without my YW now! I always tell Ben I want to die in Young Womens, but I'm not holding my breath. I would like to be in there when Aubrie is, but I'm not sure she would feel the same way! LOL
After Church, we got a bite to eat, and then I took the kids to choir practice. They have a part in the Christmas Program. I loved hearing them sing, and loved how much Aubrie was loving it! Even though Aubrie complains about piano, she really has a love for music. I'm sure that's a reason she likes dance, too. When we got home she wanted to go over the song. I could tell she was excited to sing the song. Boston didn't show as much enthusiasm, but there is just something tender about seeing your little boy sing. I can't describe it, but there is just some extra tender chord inside me that gets hit when I see him sing.
The rest of the evening we filled up with Sunday stations, dinner, and Funniest Home Videos. We also snuck in a few Man vs. Food in. Whew!! I survived a weekend, and now had to prepare for something that was freaking me out!! More info to come!!


Nicole said...

what are sunday stations?

pribyl said...

You need to call me! Just certain activities the kids do on Sundays!

Be Thou Humble said...

I'm impressed you're keeping up with Sunday stations. Mine have slipped by the wayside with the arrival of Annaka but I think I'll be ready to start again with the new year! I've missed them!